When it comes to accomplishing big goals, you have to expect things to get hard. For example, losing weight takes time, and for some it can be a long and challenging road to get there. Yes, …
257. Replay: Handling the Holidays Like a Badass
The holidays can be a very difficult time of the year for a lot of people. Shopping for gifts, planning social events, spending more time with family, and the added end-of-year demands at work can …
Continue Reading about 257. Replay: Handling the Holidays Like a Badass →
Podcast Transcript
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, sports nutritionist, Master life coach and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you, properly fuel your body and your mind so you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean.
Hey there, and welcome to episode 257, of Running Lean. My name is Patrick McGilvray, The Weight Loss Coach for Runners and today, Handling The Holidays Like A Badass. So, the holidays can be very difficult for a lot of people. You’re shopping for gifts, you’re planning social events, spending time with family, and then added end of year demands from work, this can all make all of us feel more stressed and overwhelmed, not to mention shorter days, colder temperatures, lack of sunlight.
All this makes getting outside to exercise more challenging, and exercise is our happy place, right? So it can be very easy to just say, “f it” and blow off all your diet, all your exercise plans, stay indoors, watch Netflix with a big old glass of wine and just hibernate until the new year, right? But if that’s not how you want to roll into 2025 I’ve got an alternative solution for you.
In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share a few simple tips for handling the holidays like a badass, so you can slide into the New Year feeling good about yourself, which is not the way most people do it.
But first, if you’ve ever considered coaching, I’m going to tell you right now is the perfect time to take action. For most of us. This is the off season. It’s time for you to kind of scale back your running and focus on things like your diet and nutrition. If you’re somebody that is interested in losing weight, this is the perfect time to make those changes to your diet, start losing the weight, so that when we roll into 2025 you can start your training, you know, feeling good about yourself and having developed some good habits and stuff like that.
It’s also a great time because you know, your running is a little bit less of your volume of running is a little bit less, so that it’s a good time to focus on other things, like getting stronger, and again, losing weight and things like that. So if you want a little bit of help with all this stuff I got you. I can help you get leaner, I can help you get stronger. I can help you run longer and run faster.
All you gotta do is go to my website, runningleancoaching.com, click on, Work With Me, and I’ll show you exactly how to start the new year feeling like the most badass version of yourself, yet cool. Just go to runningleancoaching.com, click on work with me, and let’s do this.
All right. I wanted to share a little bit of how to handle the holidays, and I realized I had recorded a couple of different episodes about getting through the holidays and maybe some good tips and stuff. And I was looking back through my notes on this particular episode, and I really like the content here, so I’m not going to talk too much about it, but this is a replay from a couple of years ago, I think. But this is called Handling The Holidays Like A Badass.
I know that this episode is going to come out the day after Thanksgiving. So just keep that in mind that if you’re somebody that wants a little bit of help with all of the stuff that’s happening between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, then I’m here for you, okay, but this is going to kind of focus on that part of the the year, this end of the year, these last few weeks of the year, and it’s kind of a short time.
There’s only like 35 days this year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, and usually it’s a little bit longer than that, so it’s a good time to really focus on taking care of yourself and deciding on how you want to show up in the new year. And I’ll talk about all that in the podcast.
One other thing I wanted to let you know about is that if you’re interested in a challenge during the holidays, over in the Running Lean Podcast community on Facebook, we’re doing the running through the holidays challenge, which is basically just a challenge to run every day, from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day. And I’m, you know, you can go on the Facebook group and join the group, and you’ll, you’ll see all about it, but basically, it’s just run at least one mile each day, between Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day.
Try to do it outdoors if you can, and you don’t have to. There’s no real rules around this or anything. It’s not super strict, but if you can just run at least one mile each day outside, that’s kind of preferred. What we’re trying to do is focus on getting outside, getting in the sunlight. If you have sunlight where you live, even if it’s cloudy, you’re still getting some of that sun in your eyes.
It’s really important, but it’s a way of like, getting that endorphin release and that that dopamine and the oxytocin, all those feel good hormones going through this typical dark and dreary part of the year, especially with all the holiday stuff that’s going on, a lot of stress that’s happening, it’s a good time to focus on just being outside and running and doing something that’s good for you, mentally, emotionally, physically. So check out the Facebook group, Running Lean Podcast Community.
You can just type that in to Facebook, and you’ll find our group. Join the group, and then you can participate in the challenge. You don’t really have to do anything to participate. You can post pictures and comment on other people’s posts and things like that. It’s a fun time of the year where we’re all supporting each other and getting through the holidays feeling good about ourselves.
We want to roll into 2025, feeling good about ourselves. So join us over there and join us for the running through the holidays challenge. Okay, I’m going to stop yammering on here, and I’m going to play this episode for you, and I hope you all have an amazing holiday season this year. All right?
All right on to this topic today, which is all about handling the holidays, like a badass. This time of the year, it can be very hard for people, right, we’ve got more stress this time of the year than any other time of the year collectively, right?
The days are cold, it’s dark, work is a little busier, you got to get all this stuff done at the end of the year. You’ve got more social events, you’re spending more time with family, you got to plan more meals, you’re buying gifts, you’re wrapping gifts, you’re sending out Christmas cards, maybe you’re traveling.
And all of this stuff can really feel overwhelming and cause a lot of people to really struggle. You know, this is supposed to be a fun time of the year, right and everybody looks forward to it. But at the same time, it can be very challenging for a lot of people, okay.
So when you find yourself feeling this stress, it can be very hard to stick to your diet and exercise plans, it can be very hard to want to get up and go to the gym when it’s cold and dark outside, it can be very hard to want to stick to your food plan when everybody around you is eating a bunch of junk and cookies and candy and all this other stuff, right?
So if you just want to stay inside and hibernate, like during this time of the year, that is perfectly fine. You’re allowed to do that, right? But if that’s not how you want to spend the holidays, then you get to decide what you want for yourself, okay, if you want something different, this episode is for you. Okay?
If you want to be able to stay on track, stick to your diet, keep up with your runs, keep up in the gym, whatever it looks like for you. You are allowed to do that. By the way, you don’t have to just fall into this habit that most people fall into, which is just kind of giving up a lot of this stuff during this time of the year.
How many people do you know to say, well, you know, the diet starts on January 1. Well, why? Why would you wait? Right? Why do you want to wait until then, to start improving your life? Why do you want to wait until then until you start doing something that’s good for you? Why do you want to wait until then, to start improving your health and your fitness?
I say start today, if that’s what you want for yourself, it doesn’t matter that we’ve got the holidays coming up, it really doesn’t. There’s always something going on, right? I want you to think about how you want to show up on January 2, you know, who do you want to be when you start the New Year? How do you want to show up for yourself?
Do you want to feel shame and guilt remorse and regret? Because you’re going to be starting from like a health and fitness deficit? Like you got to make up a lot of ground because you gained some weight you got a little softer?
Or do you want to feel proud of yourself and confident and happy with your choices? Do you want to start the new year with momentum? Do you want to start the new year ahead of the curve, like feeling like you had your back during this period of time, right? It’s a choice, it is a choice, you get to decide.
So here’s what I’m going to do, I got three tips for you today. And I’m gonna break these down a little bit. But the first one is step number one. Or tip number one is that you get to decide who you want to be on January 2. And you should get very detailed with this, right?
And I tell people all the time to like do these writing exercises, like write it out. Write out who you want to be. And I know a lot of people that listen to this podcast are just like, yeah, whatever. I’m not gonna write that out.
But you know what, it makes a difference. It really does. The people that take the time to do this work and actually sit down and do the writing, when it comes to things like this, they get better results I’m just going to tell you, they do.
So if you want to get better results, I want to encourage you to do a little bit of writing around this. Who do you want to be on January 2, you know, I want you to envision this version of you and write down what it will look like and feel like to be that person on January 2, right.
Now you get to decide if you want to keep losing weight, maybe you’ve already started a weight loss regimen and you’re kind of losing and you’re like that and you want to continue to lose weight. Maybe you want to just maintain your weight through the holidays. Or maybe you’re okay if you gain a little bit of weight during the holidays.
But you’ve probably never thought about it like before, right, but really, it’s a choice, it’s a choice that you get to decide how you want to show up for yourself in January if you want to gain a little bit of weight, that’s fine.
But I just want you to make that decision now. Because this decision that you make today is going to drive your behaviors over the next few weeks. So let’s say you decide you want to gain weight, that means like, you’re probably going to eat more food, drink more alcohol, indulge in a bunch of, you know, sugar, and, you know, processed foods and go a little bit crazy. Maybe you’re gonna, like, stop running for a few weeks, or, you know, not go to the gym. That’s fine. If you want to do all this, it’s totally awesome.
Just know that you will probably gain weight in this process. And if you’re okay with that, if you’re okay, showing up in January, you know, five, eight pounds heavier, whatever, awesome, more power to you. Okay, you get to decide if that’s what you want for yourself, maybe you want to maintain.
Maybe you’re the kind of person who is like, you know, what I’m gonna stick to my healthy eating plan. For the most part, I might make some more exceptions than normal, you know, I might have a little more wine here and there, I might be drinking some more beers, I might enjoy a dessert or two, but for the most part, I’m gonna, you know, kind of stick to the plan.
And maybe you back off the running and the strength training a little bit, but not entirely. So this is a way of maybe maintaining your weight. Okay, totally fine. Again, all these options are available to you.
You’ve probably never thought about it like this before, though, right? Most people just assume that they’re gonna, like, just continue to lose weight or whatever, during the holidays, but they don’t change anything. Okay.
And then let’s say you decide you want to lose during the holidays, you want to continue to lose weight, this is going to require that you keep planning your meals and keep sticking to your plan, right, it’s just going to require that you stick with your running schedule, you keep up with some sort of resistance training. And this plan is awesome. And I’m super proud of you if you decide to do this.
But just know that it requires a commitment, it requires a little bit more discipline and a little more motivation. It doesn’t require as much motivation if you’re okay, gaining some weight over the holidays, right. So you get to decide, do you want to gain weight, maintain your weight or lose weight, make that decision.
So here’s what not to do. So most people go into the holidays, thinking that they’re going to keep losing weight or stay the same, but then they eat a ton more food. They’re eating all the sugar, they’re drinking alcohol, they’re slacking off on their exercise regimen. This is the way most people do it. They don’t have a plan, they just think they’re gonna stay on track.
And they think they’re just gonna, like maintain their weight, but they’re not. Their behaviors are not in alignment with the goal of wanting to maintain their weight. And then they show up on January 2, and they’ve gained weight, they’re like 10 pounds heavier.
And they’re like, I don’t understand what happened. It’s like you didn’t make a plan. You didn’t decide how you wanted to show up. So step one is deciding how you want to show up on January 2, who do you want to be, write it down, decide today, who you want to be, and decide if you’re one of those people that wants to gain weight, maintain or lose weight, make that decision now, and then act accordingly.
So if you’re the kind of person who wants to lose weight, you’re gonna have to stick to your plan. You’re gonna have to be diligent and not eat the cookies when everybody else is eating the cookies.
Maybe people are drinking around you and you’re not. You’ve got to make that decision. If that’s what you want for yourself. Okay? Just be honest with yourself, who is it you want to become? And then act accordingly. Okay, so that’s tip number one or step number one to this process.
Okay, step number two is to make a plan and stick to the plan. So now you have a very clear picture of how you want to show up on January 2. So now you just need to make a plan and stick to it right? It seems so simple, but most people do not do this. Most people just wing it. Right? Don’t wing it. Make a plan.
So making a plan means that you’re planning out all of the events that are coming up, you plan out your meals, you plan out your workouts, you got holiday parties, family events, weird schedules, whatever.
Your kids are gonna be out of school, maybe you work from home and your kids are gonna be home with you. You’re gonna have a house full of people. All this stuff can be an excuse for just blowing off your diet and exercise routines.
And I hear this from people all the time, oh, well, you know, the kids are out of school. So that means I have to eat a lot more cookies. No, it doesn’t, it really doesn’t mean that at all. Right, don’t use that stuff as an excuse for not sticking to your plan. This will require a little bit more, you know, work a little more thought work a little bit of more discipline on your part.
Yes, it will make a plan and stick to the plan, you get to decide what’s on your plan. Just make a plan. Decide what’s coming up, like you know what’s coming up, you know that there’s going to be this holiday event, you know, there’s going to be this work thing, you know, there’s going to be kids around, whatever you got to make cookies for this thing, cupcakes, whatever, plan for all of it.
Decide what you’re going to eat and when, decide when you’re going to get your runs in, decide when you’re going to go to the gym to get your resistance training in, and get it all planned out in advance. Right, so simple, and then just stick to that plan.
Over in the coaching group, I have an entire course called Getting It All Done, where I show you exactly how to plan everything in your life so that you can make it all work, because I get it. We’re all busy. We all have busy lives, we’ve got work, we’ve got kids, we’ve got school, we’ve got all kinds of things going on, right?
And I make these suggestions like, hey, you should probably get outside and exercise every day, you should probably be doing some resistance training. You know, you should probably do some stretching and some yoga and things.
People are just like, dude, I can’t. I don’t have time for all this stuff. And I don’t want you to use that as an excuse. I don’t want you to use the I don’t have time as an excuse, okay? Because time is just a mental construct. It doesn’t truly exist.
You make the time for whatever is important to you, you absolutely do. So make the time for what’s important to you decide what’s important to you make the time and get it done. But I have this cool course right, it breaks it all down and shows you exactly how to do all that. I
found this quote when I was preparing for this podcast, and it might be from Ben Franklin. It’s kind of you know, the internet, who knows what some of this stuff. But anyway, it’s this quote has been attributed to Ben Franklin – “If you fail to plan you’re planning to fail.”
Boom, I love this, quote, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. I want to encourage you to not skip this step. Don’t skip the planning, make a plan. Most people just don’t do it. They just wing it. And if you don’t have a plan, you’re going to inevitably fail. Okay.
And just so you know, starting in January over in the coaching group, we’re going to be focused on starting the New Year, the right way. And I’m going to show you exactly how to plan your meals, what you should be eating, what you shouldn’t be eating, and most importantly, how to stick to that plan. Right, anyone can make a plan. It’s the sticking to the plan that’s the hard part.
Here’s my best advice for achieving greatness in any area of your life. Are you ready? Here it is. Make a plan. And then stick to that plan, even when you don’t feel like it. That’s it, make a plan and then stick to the plan. Even when you don’t feel like it.
You can accomplish just about anything with that kind of attitude. If you want to lose weight, make a plan to maybe you quit eating sugar and you quit eating processed food, and then stick to that plan, even when it’s hard. stick to that plan.
Even when you’re surrounded by cookies and candy and pastries. Because you’re gonna want that stuff. It will be hard in that moment, you will not feel like sticking to your plan in that situation.
You know, maybe you’re making Christmas cookies with your kids and the whole house smells like sugar cookies, right? How do you stick to your plan, that’s going to be hard, but you can do it. I know you can.
But that’s what it means to stick to your plan even when you don’t feel like it. If you want to get stronger, make a plan to lift weights a few times each week. And then do that. Work that plan. Even when it’s cold and dark outside.
You don’t feel like getting up and going to the gym because you’d just rather sleep in, get your butt out of bed and get to the gym. Even though you don’t feel like it, do it anyway. That’s how you get stronger.
Right? So make a plan and then stick to the plan. That’s my second best advice for getting through the holidays like a badass.
And then step number three. Listen. You might fail. No big whoop. Do not beat yourself up if you fail. Do not beat yourself up if you fail. What happens if you fail? What happens if you don’t stick to the plan? What happens if you eat the sugar cookies or you just skip the gym or you skip that run because you decided to stay inside watching Netflix?
Like what happens in that situation? And by the way, here’s a little sidebar for you. Netflix, is not bad. Netflix is not the worst thing in the world. People talk about watching TV as being the worst thing you can possibly do. So much so that like, it can feel very guilty and shameful.
When you just sit down to watch a show I say enjoy your TV, but just like anything else, the dosage matters. So just do it in moderation. Right?
And by the way, I just started watching Succession on HBO – holy cow, that is an awesome, awesome show. So enjoy your Netflix, enjoy your streaming TV, whatever, enjoy your movies. It’s a great way to spend some time and you know, snuggled up on the couch with a loved one or something like that. End of rant.
Okay, that was a little sidebar. So what happens if you, if you fail, you eat the cookies, you just don’t get to the gym, whatever. What happens if you don’t stick to your plan 100%? Do not beat yourself up. Just get back on track as soon as you can.
If you screw up one meal, it’s not going to ruin everything for you just get back on track at your next meal. If you miss a workout, don’t freak out about it, you’re not going to lose all your fitness. Just make a point to get back on track at your next workout.
A good rule of thumb is to not have two bad meals in a row and never skip two workouts in a row. What we’re after is consistency, not perfection. It’s more important that you put weeks and months together of consistency. Rather than sticking to some plan perfectly every single day. It’s just not practical to think that way. Right?
The same thing goes for our running through the holidays challenge. If you miss a day, it’s no big deal. Just pick it back up again the next day. It’s not about doing it perfectly. It’s about doing it consistently.
And this all might make common sense. And, you know, it can be very easy to slip into the habit of beating yourself up over this stuff though. It can be really easy to just feel guilty or shameful or talk smack about yourself. Right? These things do not do you any good whatsoever. Right?
What happens is, a lot of times people will have a cheat meal, or they’ll miss a workout. They feel terrible, ashamed, and guilty. And this can very easily spiral you down into an attitude of like, just screw it all. Why should I even bother with any of this, I always mess up. Don’t do that.
Right, indulging in these negative thoughts and negative feelings. And we call these indulgent emotions. When we do this, we indulge in this negativity and worthlessness and shame and guilt – don’t do that. It’s very detrimental to your success. Okay?
Because what happens when you feel bad? What happens when you beat yourself up like this? Typically, you just want to feel better. Typically, you just run to find something to make yourself feel good again. And a lot of times that means using food or alcohol.
So it just makes the situation worse. It completely compounds feeling bad, right? So I plan on failing, it’s part of the process, not a big deal. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Okay. Strive for consistency, rather than perfection and get back on track at the very next opportunity.
Okay, so quick recap. My three tips for handling the holidays like a badass, first of all, decide who you want to be on January 2. Do you want to gain weight, maintain your weight or lose weight and then act accordingly? Who do you want to be on January 2?
Who is that badass version of yourself? What does he or she look like and write about it? Write what it would feel like to stay consistent through the holidays right about what it would feel like to show up on January 2. Feeling good about yourself feeling confident, feeling like you had your back this whole time and decide who you want to be.
Step number two. Make a plan stick to the plan even when you don’t feel like it. Remember, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail.
And then step number three is don’t beat yourself up. If you do fail, no big whoop. Get back on track at your next meal or your next workout. Don’t ever skip two workouts in a row. Don’t ever eat two bad meals in a row. Okay, we’re striving for consistency, not perfection.
And I know you got this. I know you guys have absolutely got this. Love. You all keep on Running Lean and we’ll talk to you soon.
231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation
It’s that time of the year again! The kids are out of school, the weather is amazing, and you are going on vacation. But you might be worried because in the past, going on vacation meant going …
Continue Reading about 231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation →
Podcast Transcript
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, Sports Nutritionist, Master Life Coach, and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you properly fuel your body and your mind. So you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster, and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean.
Hey there, and welcome to episode 231. of Running Lean. My name is Patrick McGilvray, The Weight Loss Coach for Runners and today, Sticking to Your Plan – Even On Vacation. Yes, it’s that time of the year again, the kids are out of school, the weather is amazing, and you are going on vacation.
But you might be worried because in the past, going on vacation meant going off the rails, you’re on vacation. So you just want to have fun, right? You deserve to live a little, if this means coming home 10 pounds heavier and hating yourself, is it really all that fun?
So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to offer up some helpful tips for sticking to your plan, even on vacation so that you can come home feeling good about yourself.
But first one thing I wanted to talk to you guys about really quickly is coaching, if this is something that you might be interested in, if you’re looking for some help and some guidance, and some support, to lose weight, to get healthier, to feel better, to have more energy to improve your strength to improve your running, then coaching might be a good fit for you.
It is not for everybody, I get that some people like to do stuff on their own, they don’t want to invest time or money into a coach that’s going to hold them accountable. That’s going to make sure they do what they say they’re going to do that’s there to you know, help them to get results.
But also is there to kind of call you out on some of your BS, because sometimes we get lost in our own stories, our own excuses, our own reasons why we can’t get the results that we want. And being a coach, I can see through a lot of that stuff, and help you to see through that stuff as well. And start taking responsibility for your own results.
Some people don’t want to do that. They don’t want to take responsibility for their own results. They’d rather just blame other people or blame their life situation or their stress at work or whatever for what it is that’s keeping them stuck and not able to lose the weight or stick to a plan or whatever it is.
But as a coach, I can just tell you right now that I can help you to work through all of that stuff. Okay, so if you want to hit the easy button on getting better results and becoming the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, go to my website runningleancoaching.com and click on work with me, you and I will jump on a zoom call and we’ll see if this is a good fit for you.
It isn’t for everybody. I’m gonna be honest with you. There’s some people that I talk to and they’re just like, yeah, this isn’t really a good fit for me. And that’s fine. That is fine. There’s a lot of people that it is a good fit for them and a lot of people that get really good results.
And we have a lot of fun doing this too. It’s not a suffer fest. We’re not suffering our way to getting healthy and losing weight. We are actually having fun. Okay. So if you want to learn how to become the best version of yourself, go to runningleancoaching.com and click on work with me. We’ll jump on a call, and we’ll see if this is a good fit for you. Cool.
Okay, so today’s episode is a replay. So it’s about sticking to your plan, even on vacation. And this episode originally aired back in June of 2021. And I recorded this after taking a trip to Florida. And I’m mentioning this now because in this episode I talk about like COVID and the COVID travel restrictions being lifted and being able to travel freely again.
And I wanted to make sure you had a little context of like when did this all take place. So this was in you know, June of ‘21. And people were starting to travel more freely and so it was a good time to be traveling. I also really wanted to touch on this topic of what to do when we go on vacation because so many people I work with so many of my clients, they really stress out and they worry about traveling.
They worry about going on vacation when they’re trying to stick to a certain food plan. They’re trying to lose weight. Because in the past when they go on vacation, they tend to blow it and they tend to just go crazy. They gain a bunch of weight and they come back feeling terrible, hating themselves.
We don’t want to do that there’s a different way to approach vacation. And I go over all of that. In this episode, I was actually looking through my notes for this episode today when I was thinking about recording this. And I was like, you know what, this is really good. I’m just going to replay this episode. It’s very relevant.
This is exactly what I wanted to say to you guys here today. So I’m just going to replay this. So without further ado, I’m gonna let this play out here. So here it is the replay of episode 76 Sticking to Your Plan – Even On Vacation, I hope you enjoy it. Alright, cool.
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, Sports Nutritionist, Master Life Coach, and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you properly fuel your body and your mind. So you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster, and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean.
Hey there, and welcome to episode 76 of Running Lean. My name is Patrick McGilvray, the weight loss coach for runners, and today, I’m talking about how to stick to your plan. Even on vacation. Listen, it’s vacation season, right? The kids are out of school, the COVID travel restrictions are easing up and you, my friend, are going on a trip. Amazing, right?
But what that usually means is that you go completely off the rails eat and drink your way into oblivion and come back hating yourself. Am I right? At least that’s what I used to do, you probably don’t do that. But if you’re if you’re one of those people that’s thinking there’s just no way you’re gonna be able to get through this vacation without gaining 5 or 10 pounds and coming home feeling like crap, then I’ve got some good news for you.
Because listen, it doesn’t have to be like that. So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to be offering up some helpful tips for sticking to your plan, whether it’s you know, a food plan or an exercise plan, even on vacation and being able to have fun and enjoy your vacation too. Because you can do it all you absolutely can.
But first, be sure to check out the Running Lean podcast community on Facebook. If you haven’t already checked us out over there. I created this group so we could have a conversation so you could ask questions and get help and support. And we can encourage each other and support each other through our big goals.
And it is a fun group. It’s a lot of fun. We have fun doing this. If it’s not fun, you’re doing it wrong. I say that all the time. Just go to Facebook search for Running Lean community. And join us join in on the fun.
And here’s another quick five star review of the Running Lean podcast. This one’s from Leanne. She says, “A must-listen for runners. I found this podcast when searching for a podcast for runners with an emphasis on diet and nutrition. Patrick’s topics each week were just what I was looking for to improve my running performance. I also worked with Patrick as a personal coach.”
Yes, she did. Leanne is amazing. And she goes on to say, “I was able to take my running to new levels and learn from Patrick that I could do much more than I thought I was possible as a runner in my early 60s. Thanks, Patrick, for your commitment to the running community and for providing these weekly podcasts that are fun, inspiring, and full of tough love.”
And Leanne is the most awesome, thank you so much. Leanne was really, really awesome to work with, by the way. And yeah, I hope this is fun. It’s supposed to be fun. And if you would like to share in the fun, and you get something out of this podcast, it would mean a lot to me. If you could take a moment and go to what is it like Apple podcasts where you can leave a review, just tap the stars and jot down a few words if this is if you’re getting something out of this, I’d love that.
And then listen, if you ever want a little help, losing some weight or, or improving your running performance or getting leaner, getting stronger, you know, running faster running longer than you ever thought you possibly could I have got you covered. As a one-on-one coach, I work with runners every single day, who want to become more who want to become the healthiest, most badass versions of themselves. This is what I do.
You know, a coach doesn’t just like tell you what to do. A coach is somebody that works with you and figures out the best plan for you, and holds you accountable for sticking to that plan. This is why the coach is so powerful because it’s very hard to stick to things on your own. Right.
I mean, this is was always my experience. It’s very hard. I know what to do. It’s very hard for me to stick to it on my own. But with a coach, I have that accountability and the encouragement to do the hard stuff. And I’m willing to like push myself harder with a coach just like when you’re at the gym and you’re you have a personal trainer, they’re saying come on, you can do one more, you can absolutely do one more.
But if you’re on your own, you’re like, I’m good. So coaching isn’t for everybody. So what we’ll do is we’ll you can go on the website, you can fill out a quick application, there’s like one question on there I want you to answer but then we’ll jump on a quick zoom call you and I will have a conversation. We’ll see if this is a good fit for you.
That’s all, we’ll just have a convo and we’ll talk about it. And if it’s a good fit great if it’s no big deal, you haven’t lost anything yet. There’s nothing to lose by doing this. So just go torunningleanpodcast.com/apply. And we’ll see if coaching is the right fit for you. All right, cool.
Let’s get on to this topic today because I’m kind of excited to talk about this. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. So I just got back from vacation, I was on vacation, and I took a vacation. I was in Florida for eight days, I went to this place that I absolutely love. And it’s just such a cool place. And it was one of these places that my ex-wife and I used to go to, in fact, she was the first one that took me there, she used to live in that area down to Florida.
And she’s like, oh, we got to go vacation this place. And we went there many, many times. And I just fell in love with this place. And honestly, it was a, it was a big decision for me, whether I wanted to go back to this place or not.
Because when I think of the beach vacation, I think of this place, and it’s just the there’s restaurants and shopping and a beach and a pool, like everything is just right there within walking distance, it’s on this little island, like you’re just, it just feels like you’re, you’re away from it all, you know.
And I just love this place so much. And I thought do I want to go back to the place that I went to, but I used to vacation with my ex-wife? And I talked to my coach about it. And she was like, Patrick, you can absolutely do this, you want to do this. If this is something you want to do, you should do it and make new memories, and create a new way of thinking about this place.
Because I always associate this place with her, you know, and or us, you know, as a couple or whatever. So, and the other thing is, I’ve never taken a vacation by myself before. You know, listen, I’m 54 years old, I’ve done a lot of traveling, I’ve gotten to visit family and stuff like that by myself, whatever.
But I’ve never really gone on an actual like week-long vacation, alone and just to like be by myself. So this was all out of my comfort zone, you guys, and I gotta tell you, I’m so glad I did it. I’m so glad I did it. Because I learned so much about myself, I learned that I can absolutely have fun, and be content and, and feel so good being alone.
And honestly, I was never really alone. I would go out walking on the beach every day, go for runs, there’s people all over the place. Every night, I would go out to dinner, sit at the bar, talk to people talk to the bartenders, whatever, and I was just having so much fun. And it was so chill, I came back so relaxed, I just feel so amazing.
So vacations are amazing. We need to take vacations, they’re so good for us, they’re good for our, for our body, they’re good for stress relief, they’re good for our mind, they’re good for our soul, you know, like all there are all these amazing benefits of taking a vacation. So I’m really glad I did this, I’m glad I went by myself, I have created all these new memories.
And, and, and I can absolutely do this again and I’m looking forward to taking another vacation by myself. I really enjoyed this I loved it. I’m very content being a lot, I’m okay with that. And, you know, to be able to be okay with being by yourself. I think that’s a sign of, you know, self-confidence of self-awareness of, you know, evolving as a human. So, I felt really good about my decision to do this. And I’m glad I did. So vacations are awesome.
I just got back and I wanted to share some stuff with you guys because a lot of people that I talk to I’m coaching people all the time and they tell me, oh yeah, I’m getting ready to go on vacation. I’m really nervous about it. Because and then they say they go on to tell me how in the past, what they would do is they use vacation as a way to just say eff it to everything right?
And they get into that mode of just like screw everything. They eat whatever they want. They go completely bananas on everything, you know, drinking, eating desserts, the all you can eat buffets, whatever it is okay. And, and then they always come back feeling terrible and hating themselves.
They come back feeling very regretful about all the stuff they did, you know, I’ve never seen anybody go on vacation, eat and drink their way into, you know, 10 or 15 pounds heavier or whatever it is, and then really feel good about themselves afterward. You know, most people do not feel good about themselves if they just go completely off the rails on vacation.
So what is the alternative, you know? So if you’re the kind of person who is sticking to some sort of diet or exercise plan right now, so maybe you’re in a mode of like, I’m trying to lose weight right now. Or maybe you’re training for an event, and you’re concerned about what might happen.
If you take a break from your normal life, so if you if you’re training for a marathon, let’s say, and you’re, you take a vacation, this is going to kind of be a little bit more challenging for you to stick to your training plan, right? So if you if you’ve got a long run to do on the weekend, where you’re going to be, you know, in, in Maui or something like that, like, are you going to be able to stick to your training plan? Right?
Or, you know, if you associate vacation with eating everything in sight, and drinking like crazy, every single night, then, and you want to lose weight, though? Like, is this in alignment with your goals? Like, is this gonna work for you? Okay, so these are the kinds of things we want to kind of think about here.
And I have a friend who was training for a marathon, and for a spring marathon this year, and we did all these training runs together. And, you know, he was doing great and really on track, and then he went on vacation. And you know, he didn’t run much, he kind of cut his runs shorter, ate and drank differently, let’s say, you know, I don’t know how much he ate and drank. But I’m assuming it was different from what he was doing before.
But this person came back from that vacation feeling not very confident, and the running was really hard. And he felt defeated. And he’s just like, you know, what, I’m just gonna do the half instead, yes, I switched from the full marathon to the half marathon. And listen, there’s nothing wrong with this, that’s totally fine.
You know, like, if that’s what you want for yourself, that’s fine. But if you’re the kind of person who’s like, I want to run this marathon, and I want to take this vacation, and how can I do both? You know, how can I stay healthy? How can I continue to eat right? Or maybe lose weight, or whatever it is? Stick with my exercise plan? How can I do all this? While I’m on vacation? Right?
So if that’s you, then this podcast is absolutely for you. If you’re the kind of person that’s like, you know what, when I go on vacation, all rules are out the window, then, but you probably don’t need to listen to this. Because you’re gonna just do your own thing. And that’s totally fine.
But we, I think a lot of times, you get it into your mind that going on vacation means that everything has to be different, you have to stop exercising, you know, like, oh, I’m working so hard all year long. You know, I just want to go on vacation and just relax, you know? And so I’m just gonna say no, to everything that I’ve been doing up to this point, well, it doesn’t have to mean that at all.
Okay, you get to decide what vacation means for you, you get to decide what your vacation looks like for you. And if you’re saying, well, I’ve always done this in the past, this is the way I’ve always done it. That doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it the same way. You know, not if you want something different for your future. If you want something different for yourself in the future, you may have to stop doing the same things over and over and over again, that has got you where you are today, right.
So my suggestion is to think about, you know what it is you want for yourself when you go on vacation? Who is it that you want to be when you get home from this vacation, okay? Another issue is that a lot of people seem to equate overeating or eating other sugar or overdrinking with fun.
In other words, I want to have fun on this vacation. Can I just have a little fun? Which means what does that mean to eat ice cream every day? Twice a day three times a day eat dessert every night. Binge up on the all-you-can-eat buffet. This was so me. I’ve been to all these resorts where they have like an all-you-can-eat buffet and there’s always that dessert section it’s like whole tables and tables of just like desserts.
I would eat as much food as I could possibly have. So stuff from all the food you know, because it’s all you can eat everything and I go back and eat all the desserts like I would have to try them all because you know this one looks good. So does that! So I would just like I would make two trips three trips to the dessert section. Okay, so maybe that’s just me.
But then I would feel like crap the next day. So today this is not my idea of fun. Okay, but if your idea of fun means you have to like drink a lot, you know, and eat a lot or eat all the sugar eat all the crappy food, then, you know, I think we just have to get get it into our heads. What do we mean by fun? What does that mean to us?
You know what, what does it mean to have fun on vacation? And I’ll talk about this more in a minute. here, but I just want you to start thinking about this like, what? What is it that you want for yourself? For your vacation?
Okay, so one of the most important things that I suggest people do when they’re getting ready to go on a vacation is deciding ahead of time. How do you want to be when you come home, like how do you want to feel about yourself, when you come home from this vacation?
Do you want to feel good about yourself? Or do you want to feel, you know, bloated, and regretful, and ashamed and guilty? Or do you want to feel confident, and proud of yourself, because you get to decide? One thing I suggest people do is to decide ahead of time, whether they want to maintain their weight on vacation, continue to lose weight, or gain weight on vacation because you can actually choose one of those three options.
One of those three things is going to happen. Anyway, but if you go into your vacation, thinking, let’s say you’re trying to lose, you’re saying that you’re in the middle of losing, like 50 pounds or something, right? And you’re like, well, you just have this thing in your head of like, yeah, when I’m on vacation, I’ll probably still continue to lose some weight, but then you eat whatever the hell you want to while you’re on vacation, and you come back and you’re like, what happened? I, I was doing so good.
And then you know, I went on vacation, and now I’m up five pounds, you know, and then you feel like crap about yourself, you beat yourself up about it, you end up quitting on yourself. It’s all because you didn’t have an intention going into your vacation, you didn’t have a plan, I always want people to decide ahead of time what they want for themselves. So do you want to lose weight, maintain or gain because you get to choose, this is going to determine how you show up each day?
You know, if you’re if your goal is to maintain weight, during your vacation, you can kind of just do what you’re doing, you know, maybe indulge a little bit here and there. If you want to, if you’re okay with gaining weight on vacation, just know ahead of time I’m going to gain I’m gonna allow myself to gain like five pounds on vacation.
And then you know, bang it out. Have fun with that, you know, do it, do it the way that you want to do it, just know that that’s your goal. And then when you come home, if you’ve gained 10 pounds, you didn’t do it right. Okay, you went a little, a little too excessive on that, okay? Or if your goal is to lose weight, that’s gonna determine how you show up for yourself every day, it’s gonna determine what you do, you know, each day of your vacation, okay?
So do you want to here’s another thing to decide. Do you want to keep up with your training? Exactly, you know, do you want to keep with your strength training with your running? Maybe you’re doing some cross-training, cycling, or something like that swimming? Do you want to maintain your training? Do you want to back off a little bit? Or do you want to just quit altogether?
And there’s no right or wrong answer to these things. It’s just that you have to make a decision ahead of time about what you want for yourself. Don’t say you’re going to stick to your plan, I’m going to keep exercising and, and eat right. But then go completely off the rails because that’s, that’s not being in alignment with your goals. That’s not having your own back.
When you do this, you destroy your self-confidence. You kind of undermine your own progress, you lose motivation. It is very demotivating when you let yourself down like this. So my suggestion to you, I want to encourage you to make a decision ahead of time, and then stick to that decision, whatever that is for you. Okay, do you want to continue with your exercise and an eating plan? Or do you want to like, you know, be a little more lenient, because you get to decide?
No right or wrong answer, you get to decide, just decide ahead of time. Planning ahead is one of the most important things you can do to help you stick to a plan, whether it’s whether you’re on vacation or not, honestly. And when we talk about planning ahead, you may have heard this before. But when we plan something ahead of time, especially like 24 hours in advance, we’re using a part of our brain called the prefrontal cortex.
And this is our thinking more modern, like the cognitive planning part of our brain. And when we use this part of our brain to make decisions, where we’re making good decisions, and we’re, we’re thinking through with the consequences, and it’s like the planning part of our brain. And so we always want to use that type of brain, that prefrontal cortex part of our brain, the modern thinking brain, to make decisions when it comes to what we’re going to eat how much we’re gonna drink, whether we’re going to stick to exercise playing the next day and things like that.
The alternative is we use a part of our brain called the amygdala, which is our fear center, or our primitive brain fight or flight part of our brain. This is the part of our brain that is a tiny little almond size part of our brain that’s like super ancient, and it’s designed to respond to urges and things like that, you know, very primitive.
So when you’re feeling like, I really want some cake, and you haven’t really thought this out with your prefrontal cortex, you know, your amygdala is gonna be like, eat the cake. Go back to the dessert buffet, come on, and just do it, you want to do it, you know, it’s like the good, the little angel, and the devil on your shoulders. You know, this kind of analogy is a good analogy.
So we don’t want to be caught in the moment trying to use our, you know, fear center or fight or flight or urge center to make these kinds of decisions for us. Okay, whether we’re going to work out or not, whether we’re going to eat right or not, we want to plan ahead. So that’s why it works. And it does work beautifully if you plan ahead.
So the key is to plan ahead and then stick to your plan. That’s it plan ahead, stick to your plan. This works with everything in life, you guys, every single thing you want to accomplish in your life plan ahead, stick to your plan. So I’m going to give you guys some tips and some things and I’m going to share some experiences that I had with my recent trip because I was very cognizant about this planning ahead, I really wanted to make sure that I was I wanted to stick to my plan, and I wanted to do some certain things.
So I’m going to just kind of go through what I did. And hopefully, this will give you guys some tips that you can use for your vacation. I hope you’re going on vacation soon, too. So the first thing I did was to make sure I planned my food. So I was very conscious of where I was going to stay. I wanted to stay at an Airbnb that had a kitchen like it had to have a fully stocked kitchen, a fridge, and all that stuff.
I would look at some places and they had like a hot plate or one of those tiny little mini-fridges that you can hold like, you know, 12 you know, cans of soda or whatever. And I’m like that is not going to cut it for me like I need to buy some food and I need to like I want a stocked fridge, I want to be able to cook for myself, at least one meal a day I wanted to. My plan was to cook my first meal. So I eat twice a day, around noon, then around 6 or 7pm.
And I wanted that first meal to I wanted to cook that at home every day, I wanted total control over that first meal every single day. So I made sure that the place I was staying at had a kitchen. That was important to me, okay. And then the very first thing I did when I got into town was I took an Uber over to the grocery store and I stocked up I bought everything I needed for the whole week. So I bought all the food, you know, Lacroix, eggs, bacon, sausage, butter, avocado, sour cream, like all the stuff that I typically would eat. And I and I just stocked up. That’s the only time I went to the grocery store the whole time I was there. And it was awesome.
Because I just knew that I had, you know, everything I needed for that first meal was there. And then I made that first meal at home every day. So that was one thing like planning ahead was really important for me to make sure that I did that. And I went to the store and that I stocked up.
And then for me, I made a decision that I was going to eat out every night, you know, so I went to different restaurants. I sat at the bars and I talked to people, but I would check out the menus ahead of time and you know, occasionally I would ask if they could do substitutions and things like that. But for the most part, I ate you know the items off the menu as they were prepared.
And I ate haha. Oh my god, it’s so amazing. Like the seafood down there is totally amazing. So I had fresh grouper, salmon, scallops, shrimp tacos. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. So I actually made a point to go, I was eating some carbs when I was down there I made a point to like, be okay with that.
You know, I had some rice here and there I had some plantains that came with my tacos, you know and I eat the corn tortillas that came in. It’s not a big deal. You know, a few carbs here and there. But I made a point to never indulge in sugar. I did not want to do that. And so I did. And I totally stay away from sugar.
So eating out for me was amazing. And you can like, just plan ahead as much as you can with this. Know where you’re going to eat out if you can, how often you’re going to be eating out, check the menus, you can even call the restaurants and ask if they can do substitutions and stuff like that. Just tell them you have an allergy to, you know, certain foods or carbohydrates or something like that, and they’ll totally work with you. Okay.
Another thing that you can do when we’re planning food is packing snacks, making sure you bring some kind of snacks, just in case you need something, you don’t ever want to get to that place where you’re hungry, and vulnerable to temptations, right. So pack your own, like healthy snacks like nonperishable stuff, nonperishable stuff, if you can, if you need it.
Okay, so I actually brought some snacks for the plane, because, you know, I got up early, and I usually don’t eat till noon or so. But I was going to be traveling from like, basically, you know, eight o’clock in the morning until three o’clock in the afternoon. And I knew I was going to want to eat something in there.
So I brought, I got like a bag of this zero sugar, beef jerky. And I was like, Oh, this would be good. This would be like a little kind of lunchy type of thing I could do on the plane. But even if you’re taking a road trip in a car, like, you know, you can go to fast food places. It’s not ideal, but you can make it work. You know, you can get protein-style bunless burgers, you can get salads with chicken, you can make it work, or I think we get into this mindset of I don’t know what to do. I’ve never done this before. And I think this is not a good mindset to be in, like, so what if you’ve never done it before?
Guess what, a lot of people don’t know what to do. Why don’t you ask yourself this question instead, I wonder what’s available. I wonder how I can make this work. I wonder how I can get creative and make something work for me. Because chances are, you can absolutely make it work.
I’ve seen people get fried chicken at like, Chick-fil-A or something like that. And just like kind of peel the breading off of it and eat it and it’s delicious. You know, like, there are things you can do if you need to. I was talking to somebody last night about getting pizza. And like I did this recently where we were I was with a group of people and they all ordered pizza. And you know, there was nothing I could really order.
And so I just took the toppings off the pizza and kind of rolled them up. It was like cheese and pepperoni stuff like that. And I ate that. And I ate a lot of it. And it was delicious. And it was just left with some, you know pieces of crust with sauce on it that other people were like, Oh, can I eat that crust, I’m like sure. So it was a win-win for everybody.
Get creative. You know, even if you’re like on a road trip and you stop at a gas station, you can find something to eat like, for me I do, you know pretty low carbs I would stay away from, you know, chips and pretzels and stuff like that. But there’s like beef jerky, and nuts, pork rinds, hard-boiled eggs, pickles, like there are all kinds of stuff you can, you can find even at a crappy place like a gas station. Obviously, if you can bring your own stuff, that’s a better way to go.
Another suggestion that I have for you would be to plan your workouts ahead of time, okay. So if you’re going to want to stick to like a running program, if you’ve got a running schedule, let’s say you’re running three or four days a week, you want to get your miles in, plan ahead, plan ahead, what you’re going, where you’re going to run, how far you’re going to run where and the routes that you’re going to run.
The routes are important because a lot of times you may be in an area where I don’t know you don’t know the area. And maybe I don’t know if it’d be unsafe, but hopefully, you’re not staying in a place that is unsafe. I did this a while back when I was in Mexico, and the property owner was like, we don’t suggest you go run out on the streets around here. And I was like, ha, okay, and they said, but there is like a path that you can run around the property.
And so I did that I ran around it was a huge property. So I ran like the perimeter of the property. They actually like I think 75% of it was like a walking path anyway, so I just ran around the property and did a lot of miles on that vacation. And, you know, totally doable, you know.
Another thing you can do is like I go to Google Maps and I check the Street View and I’m like, is there a sidewalk here? You know, is this doable? Like, oh, this looks like a bridge. Is there a sidewalk on this bridge? I don’t want to be stuck on some bridge where there’s like, no, no shoulder and I’m in traffic and you don’t ever want to run on the street. You know, if there’s a lot of traffic and stuff like that, if you’re staying at a hotel or someplace, you can ask the concierge about local trails, about paths, you know, running routes, they know about all this kind of stuff.
Or maybe you’re at a place with a gym. And your only option is to like, you know, run on a treadmill, is there a treadmill available for you, you know, so when I was in Florida, I’d love running down there. Number one, I mean, there’s this long stretch of beach that I ran on every single day. So that’s amazing. I made a point to do that.
But then there’s this bridge that takes you from where I was staying over to Sarasota. And I would, I would run across the bridge and then run around the marina and stuff. And it’s just like, the views are amazing. And they got this nice ocean breeze was hot down there, but got this nice ocean breeze and just beautiful. And I plan all this ahead of time, I knew I was going to you know, run and I made a plan to run every day when I was down there.
And I did, I ran at least five miles every day down there, I did a 10-mile run, I think I did a few seven-mile runs. And really just really enjoyed it. You know, I made a point that this is important to me that I wanted to keep up with my running. And so I did it.
Another thing that I suggest if you’re doing any kind of strength training and you want to keep up with it on your vacation is to make a plan ahead of time for this as well. So if you’re staying somewhere with like a gym, you can use the hotel gym, hotels are so good. Now, they’re pretty well equipped with all this kind of stuff. But if you’re not staying at a place with a gym, you can find a local gym.
And a lot of times they’ll let you come in and just you know drop in on a class or use the gym, or maybe you belong to one of these big LA Fitness or 24-hour deals where you can just go to one of these places, those are all good too.
A couple of things that are kind of different is like find an outdoor fitness park or a playground because sometimes they have, you know, equipment that you can use to do pull-ups and you know, push-ups or bench presses or something like that, you know.
Sometimes they have those little parkour type of courses that you can kind of use to do fitness and you know, things like that it makes it kind of fun, you get outside what I did for my phone, because I didn’t have access to a gym where I was going, there wasn’t a gym in the area. And I didn’t really want to have to, you know, Uber, you know, 10 or 15 bucks every single day if I wanted to lift weights, so I decided to bring my resistance bands.
So I have this set of small, lightweight resistance bands, and you could just throw them in your suitcase, they’re super easy to bring with you. And I did, you know, a couple of workouts just to maintain my strength training while I was on vacation. And I felt really good about that. It wasn’t exactly the same, you know, but I could put enough resistance on those bands to make it pretty hard. And one of the days I was there, it was Memorial Day. And a lot of people were doing that Murph workout, which, if you don’t know what it is, it’s, it’s pretty tough.
It’s a one-mile run. And then it’s 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 squats. You’re supposed to do it with a weighted vest on or some sort of resistance. And I did it pretty much just with bodyweight because I didn’t have like a weighted vest or a way to do that. And I gotta tell you, that was a kick-ass strength workout.
But I felt good about doing that I felt good that I did this for myself, you know, it was a hard workout. And that one was awesome because I felt really good about sticking to that plan and sticking to my strength training because when I came home from my trip, I felt just as strong as when I left. I didn’t want to lose momentum.
I’ve been building some strength lately, I’ve been putting on some muscle, some pounds, you know, I didn’t want to lose any of that. So I wanted to keep up with it. And I absolutely did. In fact, the day that I got home the day after I got home from my trip, I went back to the gym, my gym here, and had a killer strength workout and I felt so good. I’m so glad that I kept up with it while I was on vacation, okay.
And then if you’re doing other kinds of workouts, you can find a way to do that too. Like, find a local yoga studio. If you’re doing yoga, or do yoga in your room. You can do strength training, just using bodyweight exercises if you have to as well just do it in your room. You know, other things you can do is just get out there and walk as much as possible. You know I walked on the beach every single day I walked along the beach at sunset every single night.
You can do things like rent bikes, go canoeing, go swimming, go do some rowing, stand up paddleboarding, wherever kind of, you know, hiking, whatever kind of trip you’re going on, there’s stuff you can do to stick with your plan, okay? But it all requires you to do a little bit of planning ahead of time. So that’s, that’s my really big encouragement.
And that’s my biggest, I want this to be your biggest takeaway. Plan ahead, plan ahead what you want for yourself, plan ahead, about your food, plan ahead your exercise plans, and then stick to your plan. Okay, decide who you want to be when you come home, and then stick to your plan.
And listen, you can actually choose to indulge a little bit on your vacation, you can choose to, you know, drink more than you would or, you know, eat a little bit differently if you want to just do it in a way that where you have your own back, do it in a way that is intentional. And you’re doing it with purpose, not just giving into cravings, urges, and temptations.
We don’t ever want to give in to cravings, urges, and temptations because that’s not how we build resilience. That’s not how you build new habits. That’s how you just are keeping yourself stuck to where you have been for most of your life, we got to change the way we think about this stuff, we got to change our mindset around all this stuff. Okay, planning ahead is how you do that.
Okay, so maybe you drink a little bit more, that’s fine. You know, I would suggest choosing your drinks wisely, you know, stick with the drinks that don’t contain sugar, hobbies, tropical drinks. So I went out to eat every night, I sat at the bar, and I watched them making all these drinks. And it was just like, oh, sugar, I’m going to pour some of this sugar in there. I’m going to pour some of this kind of sugar in there. And then here’s some liquor, which is mostly sugar.
Like, it was crazy how much sugar in these drinks, you know. So yeah, just make good decisions about alcohol. Make good decisions about the kinds of foods you want to eat. Like I ate more carbs than normal. I planned it. I knew I was going to do this I stayed away from the sugar. You know, I had rice at this place that made it as a side to the I had a big steak one night, which was amazing.
And as a side, they had cauliflower and potato mash. So it was like half potatoes have cauliflower. And I was like this is perfect. You know, there’ll be a few more carbs than I would normally but totally fine. Like it’s not, it’s not going off the rails here you guys, you know what I mean?
There’s a big difference between eating a couple of plantains with my tacos and eating, you know, a half a gallon of ice cream every night like I used to. Speaking of which, where I stayed, there’s this amazing gelato place and this used to be my nightly thing, I go to the gelato place every single night and order this huge big thing of gelato with one of those waffle cones. It’s just like ridiculous.
And, and I thought, Well, I’m gonna just one day I was like taking a walk around the little towns and the shops and stuff. And I’m like, I’m just gonna pop in here and see if they have some kind of sugar-free gelato option. And they did. They had sugar-free chocolate gelato, I’m like, I’m so getting some of this, which I did. And I really enjoyed it. And that was a way for me to indulge in something and not go off my plan. You know what I mean?
Like, we can do this, we can have fun, and stick to our plan. We can enjoy our vacation and stick to the plan. Decide who you want to be when you come home. For me, I wanted to be basically the same person I was when I left. I wanted to continue to feel good about myself, I didn’t want to feel crap about myself.
So my plan was to, you know, maintain my weight, maintain my running, maintain my eating as much as I could as much as I had control over. Indulge a little bit here and there, enjoy every bit of it. And come home feeling amazing, which I did. I feel like I’m proud of myself, proud of myself for taking a vacation by myself, proud of myself for going to this place that you know, had all these old memories.
I’ve created all these new memories, proud of myself for sticking to my exercise and eating plan and proud of myself for coming home feeling good and having my own back through this whole thing. Right, I’ve built more confidence because I did this all right. You can absolutely go on vacation and have fun and have an amazing time and stick to your plan.
Let’s make vacation more about the experiences of creating amazing memories with your family with your friends and relaxing and enjoying the outdoors and the adventures and creating all these experiences that will last, that’ll stay with you for a lifetime. Let’s make our vacation more about that and less about how much sugar we’re gonna eat. You know?
Because is that really the key to a vacation? Is that the most important thing for you? I’m going to say no, it’s eating and drinking your way into oblivion is not the purpose of the vacation. Right? It’s the reset, recharge, you know? Come back feeling rested and refreshed and good about yourself. Okay. All right.
Well, I hope you got something out of this episode today. If you did, I would love it if you would share it with a friend. And I hope you take a vacation soon. And I hope you enjoy it. I hope you decide ahead of time, who you want to be when you come home. Alright, love you all. Keep on Running Lean. I’ll talk to you soon.
204. Replay: 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season
It’s officially the Holiday Season and that means it’s time to gain a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and start the new year feeling like crap, right? I know it seems kinda crazy when I say …
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Podcast Transcript
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, Sports Nutritionist, Master Life Coach, and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you properly fuel your body and your mind. So you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster, and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean.
Hey there, and welcome to episode 204 of Running Lean. My name is Patrick McGilvray, the weight loss coach for runners and today, five tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season. So it’s officially the holiday season. And that means it’s time to gain a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and start the new year feeling like crap, right?
I know it seems kind of crazy when I say that out loud, but the truth is, though, that’s the way most people do it. Most people gain a bunch of weight during the holidays. And then at some point, they swear a solemn oath that they’ll get back on track in January.
And I know what this feels like. I’ve done this many, many times. I also know how terrible it feels when January comes around. And you have to lose a bunch of weight just to get back to where you were before Thanksgiving. So in this episode, I’m gonna offer a better approach for this whole time of the year.
Okay, I have five tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season. But first, I talk a lot about losing weight and improving your health and fitness here on the podcast. And I know all of this can feel a little overwhelming.
So, if you’re looking for a good place to start I’ve created a free hour long training just for you called Five Simple Steps To Becoming A Leaner Stronger Runner. In this training video you’re going to learn how to fuel your body properly so you can lose weight and improve your running, because there is an answer, you can do both.
You’re going to learn how important strength is in your fitness journey. You’re going to learn how to make changes that are actually sustainable for you, and so much more. So, if you’re ready to get leaner and stronger and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself then you need to check out this free training right now. Just go to runningleancoaching.com and click on Free Training.
Okay, so this is actually a replay episode that I did, I think about a year ago. I always like to talk about this topic around this time of the year, the holidays and how most people gain weight during the holidays.
And I started looking through my notes and I thought this episode is perfect I’m just going to replay this episode, so that’s what you’re getting today. You’re getting a replay of this episode from last year. But it’s important information, and I think you’re going to get a lot out of it. And it offers a very different approach to the holidays, different from the way most people do it.
Just because you’ve done something in the past doesn’t mean you have to continue doing that going forward. Okay, so this year, this holiday season I want to challenge you to do something different. Okay, so listen to this episode, I think you’re going to get a lot of it. You’re going to get at least five, okay, it’s called Five Tips To Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season.
But this is just one of those things I feel very strongly that there is a much better way to approach the holidays, you don’t have to gain weight, you don’t have to slip into old habits, you don’t have to start the New Year feeling like crap.
There is a better way to do it. So, anyway, always always if you’re looking for help with any of this stuff, you can reach out to me. We can talk about coaching, just head over to my website runningleancoaching.com and click on Work With Me.
So anyway, without further ado here are my Five Tips To Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season.
Okay, so today, I got these tips for you. I got some tips to help you avoid gaining weight this holiday season. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. And so many people think that this time of the year they will automatically gain weight. In fact, so many people think this because the average adult American says that they expect to gain around seven pounds during the holidays. That’s a lot of weight to gain in a month, right.
And one in four of those people say that they’re still carrying extra weight from the previous year. And so you know, let’s just say it’s a few pounds, I mean, you’re this is just this time of the year, you’re just going to be continually gaining weight. And if you multiply this by 10 or 20 years, this is a big problem. This can be a huge problem, right?
So, let’s stop this trend right now. Let’s take control of our health and our fitness and our weight for once. Don’t be average. Don’t be the average American. You know, I’ve talked to so many people about changing their diet and eating differently and maybe, you know, giving up things like sugar and grains. And people are like well, but I don’t want to be different. I just want to be able to do what everybody else is doing.
And I’m like to listen, listen, what everybody else is doing isn’t working, there’s like 78% of people in this country have some sort of metabolic dysfunction? Do you really want to be one of the normal people? Do you really want to be one of the average Americans? And this applies to other countries as well. But I say no, I say let’s be, let’s be the minority, let’s be different.
Embrace that, like, don’t be normal, don’t be average. Okay. So instead of expecting to gain a bunch of weight during the holidays, we need to have a different approach, you got to do things differently than the way most people are doing things. And yeah, that means that you might not be indulging in all the Christmas cookies, and all the booze at the parties and all this other stuff that other people are doing.
But guess what, you’re gonna feel so much better when January 1 comes around, and you haven’t gained that seven pounds. And that’s kind of average, I think some people gain more, you know, 10-12 pounds. So for me, here’s kind of the way I used to do it. So this time of the year was always the, well it’s still is pretty much the offseason for running.
And so we’ll do a full marathon. And then we sort of take a break from running. But for me, I never really changed my diet, like I just kept eating the same amounts of food and the same types of food. And of course, I was eating a ton of sugar and a ton of carbs. And so this time of the year, I would always gain weight.
And I would always gain 5-10 pounds somewhere in that range. And then I would always tell myself that yeah, come January 1, everything’s going to change, I’m going to get serious, I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to, you know, start focusing on eating better, and all this other stuff.
And guess what, January 1 would come around, and I would sort of start some of that stuff, I would kinda maybe watch my calories, or start adding food into a food tracking app. And you know, you know, going lower fat and trying to exercise more, and all the things that we’ve tried that really don’t work long term. And I might do it for a short amount of time. But then it became problematic, it became frustrating, became too tedious, and I would just stop doing it. And I would always, you know, I might lose a few of those pounds, but I would always gain a few extra pounds every year, during this time of the year.
And you know, you do that for 10 years. And, you know, I found myself 40, more than 40 pounds overweight. And I was eating what I thought was a really clean diet. You know, I was plant based and I was just eating a ton of carbs. I was a carb-atarian, let’s just say it that way. Eating nothing but sugar and carbs, and running a lot. I was running and training for marathons and ultra marathons.
And it wasn’t that I wasn’t exercising, I was going to the gym two or three times a week, doing yoga a couple of times a week, like I had a regular exercise regimen, I was running like crazy every year. And still I would gain weight during the holiday season. And I couldn’t, couldn’t lose it. And that just kept you know, adding on and packing on more weight and more weight.
So there’s a better way to do this, there’s a better way to get through the holidays. And, and I’m going to give you a few tips here for you to apply and actually take action on because these tips are great. If if you’re listening to this and you’re like, oh, these sound great, Patrick, that’s one thing.
It’s a whole other thing if you take action and actually do what I’m going to suggest that you do here today. Because if you do what I suggest you do here today, you’re gonna get through the holidays in a much different way than somebody who doesn’t take action. Any kind of program like this, anytime we’re talking about improving yourself, it requires something on your part.
You’re not just going to lose weight by listening to somebody talk about what to do, right? You’ve got to take action, you got to do this stuff. Okay? So if you’re the kind of person who loves getting into action and loves, you know, doing, you know, these kinds of tips, then do it. I want to encourage you to just start today.
So here’s the tips I’m gonna give you tip number one, and this is probably the one that most people won’t do. And this is why I’m sort of prefacing this by saying like you have to take action here because most people don’t want to do this. And that is to create a vision for who you want to be on January 1, create a vision for who you want to be on January 1.
How do you want to show up for yourself? How do you want to feel about yourself? How do you want to look? How do you want to feel mentally, emotionally, physically? How do you want to have approached this holiday season? Like, I really want you to get detailed about this future version of yourself. So we’re only talking about 30 days in the future. As we record this, it’s December 1. And so we’ve got, you know, what, 31 days, 32 days, something like that until January 1. So create a vision today.
And I want to encourage you not to just think about this, but to actually write it down. So grab a piece of paper, grab a journal, whatever it is that you want to use, do it on your computer, it doesn’t really matter. But write down in detail as much as you want. How do you want to show up for yourself on January 1, who do you want to be?
Most people don’t do this. Most people are just like, yeah, yeah, whatever, I want to feel good, but whatever. But they don’t really spend any time really thinking about this. But here’s something that’s very interesting. There’s this very powerful thing that happens, when you start thinking about who you want to be in the future, your subconscious mind will actually start moving you in the direction of that vision, your subconscious mind will actually get on board with this plan.
Everything that we want for ourselves, we first have to create in our mind, there’s not one thing on this planet that’s been created that hasn’t first been a thought and a vision, you know, think about things like a rocket ship, or an airplane or the iPhone, all these things were first an idea and a thought.
And then they were written down, and they were then you know, expanded upon, you know, so all these things that we want for ourselves have to start with a thought they have to start with a detailed vision. And when we create this vision for ourselves, it’s important that you get into that emotional state of how you want to feel on January 1.
Do you want to feel like you are regretting your decisions over the last 30 days? Do you want to feel like you have fallen behind or fallen off the wagon, or let yourself down? Or do you want to feel like you’ve built some confidence in yourself, you’ve built some trust in yourself, you said you were going to do some things, and you actually did them. Because that is available to you.
But you first have to start with a vision, you have to start with a detailed accounting of how you want to show up on January one. So don’t skip this step. Do it, I’m gonna encourage you to just do it, write it down, it’ll take you 10 or 15 minutes, spend about that much time writing free, write just as much as you want, or as little as you want. But do this step. Okay.
So that’s step number one, create a vision for who you want to be, and how you want to show up for yourself, and how you want to feel that’s the important part. Because once we get into that emotional state of how we want to feel, we can access that throughout the month, you know, you might have a day where you wake up and you’re like, I really don’t feel like running today, or I really don’t feel like you know, sticking to my plan my food plan today or whatever, you’re gonna be like, oh, but you know what that feeling that I want on January 1? I’m only gonna get that feeling.
If I stick to this plan, if I go out and run, if I go lift weights or whatever. So make sure that you get into that emotional state of how you want to feel on January 1, okay? That’s a very, very powerful state to be in. Okay, that’s how all visions come to life is just creating that vision getting into that emotional state. Okay, so that’s step number one.
The next tip I have for you, after you create a vision, you have to have a plan. You have to have a plan. Most people think that they will just sort of wing it. And I’m just going to tell you right now winging it does not work. If you think well, I’ll just kind of like I’ll get through the holidays, it’ll be fine. I’m not too concerned about it.
But if you’ve got some weight to lose, and you really want to make some changes and you want to get through this unscathed, you want to, you know, show up on January 1 really feeling good about yourself. You have to have a plan. Okay? So that means that you need to write down what you’re going to do to get to that vision that you have for yourself on January 1.
So you have a vision, great, how are you going to achieve that vision? You have to have a plan. I’m going to not eat sugar this month, that’s a plan. I’m going to, you know, work out every day, that’s a plan, I’m going to do yoga three times a week, I’m going to strength train twice a week, I’m going to run three times a week, I’m going to, you know, eat, you know, a good amount of protein at each meal, these are all plans, and you write these things down.
And there’s things that are going to happen this month. So we got holiday parties, we got a couple of holidays, really, we’re only talking about a couple days here, we got like Christmas, and New Year’s right, and then maybe New Year’s Eve, right? So maybe, or maybe even Christmas Eve for some people.
So three or four days really is all we’re talking about, you know, from here on out. So, plan those days, then if you have holiday parties, you’re gonna be going to or family’s gonna be in town or whatever, plan for that stuff, make a detailed plan of how you’re going to achieve your vision for yourself.
And this is what I do with all my clients. We work together on a plan and we get very detailed about what they’re going to eat and what they’re not going to eat, when they’re going to work out, when they’re not, when they’re going to recover. And we put together a detailed plan. And then obviously, you have to work the plan, you have to actually stick to the plan.
But you’re more likely to stick to the plan when you’ve created that vision for yourself. And then you’ve written it down. And then you’ve also written down a plan. I know what I’m doing. I’ve got it written down. You can look at it every day and say, okay, what am I doing today, and then just follow the plan. It seems almost too simple. Create a plan, and then stick to the plan no matter what. But that’s how simple it is. Create a plan and then stick to the plan no matter what.
And it’s that no matter what part that’s kind of important, right? For example, I am working on running every day during the holidays. So if you’re part of the Running Lean Facebook group, and if you’re not, you can join us just search for Running Lean community on Facebook. We are doing the running through the holidays challenge right now, which is to run every day, outside from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day. And that’s 39 days of running.
And it’s just, you know, just gotta run at least a mile each day. So some days, I’m running one mile, some days, I’m running 2, 3, 4, 5, whatever. But the other day, I did not run during the day, I had a busy day. And I wasn’t able to get outside and you know, it gets dark early, it gets dark at like 5:30. And this is like 7pm and it was raining. And it was cold. And it was windy. And I did not feel like running. Not at all did I feel like running.
I had already eaten dinner and stuff. And I’m like, oh my god, I forgot I have to run still. And so you know what I did? I put on my running shoes, and I put on a rain jacket and I just headed out the door. And I got my mile in outside in the rain and the wind and the cold. And I have to tell you that it didn’t feel awesome. When I was out there I was you know, I had to put a headlamp on and you know, watch out for debris in the streets and roads and stuff like that.
But I did it, and I felt good about myself because I stuck to my plan. So I had a plan to run every day. That’s a plan. And then I stuck to the plan no matter what even though I didn’t feel like it. It could have been so easy for me to just say screw it. I am not doing this. I don’t feel like it. And it’s cold and it’s raining and I could have used all the excuses.
But I didn’t do that. I had a plan and I stuck to the plan no matter what. Okay? It’s that no matter what part that’s important, okay, so create a vision and have a plan and then stick to the plan no matter what. Cool.
Alright, my third tip is this. You’ve got to manage stress, you cannot go through this holiday season super stressed out about everything you just can’t. Stress will cause you to hold on to body fat. Stress will cause you to gain weight. The stress response is a glucose response. Being stressed out will spike your blood sugar, will spike your insulin levels and will put you into fat storage mode. And if you’re chronically stressed out and a lot of people are during the holidays, they stay kind of in this chronic state of stress from Thanksgiving through January 1.
I’m going to tell you right now it is going to be very difficult for you to lose weight, in fact, you will probably gain some weight just based on being stressed out during the holidays. So you have to have a stress management regimen, you have to have some sort of routine that you’re doing regularly like every single day to keep stress levels to a minimum.
Because if you don’t, you’re going to have a very hard time losing weight or have a hard time maintaining your weight during the holidays. So there are two types of stress. There’s the stress that we put on our bodies when we work out and maybe we lift weights or we go for a run. And maybe we do some sprint intervals or something like that.
This is called acute stress. And this is the good kind of stress. This is a positive type of stress, we stress our body, we stress a muscle, we stress our cardiovascular system. And then we have a positive adaptation because of that stress. So our muscles get stronger, our cardiovascular system improves, our speed improves, we raise our lactate threshold. So when we put acute stress on our bodies, this is acute and short term, very short term stress, this is a positive thing, this is a good thing we want to stress ourselves out in that way.
The kind of stress that we don’t want to be engaging in is like we’re constantly thinking about, you know, work or relationships or family issues. And we’re just constantly, you know, in a state of chronic stress, chronic stress is the kind of stress that is going to cause us to have that glucose response and cause us to keep our insulin levels high. You know, cortisol is a stress hormone.
When cortisol is high, our body is in that fight or flight mode, we’re in that sympathetic mode. Remember, the sympathetic mode is stress sympathetic for stress s for stress, the parasympathetic mode is, is peace, P for peace. So parasympathetic is when we are calm and relaxed and at peace and the sympathetic nervous system is when we are stressed out.
So we want to tap more into that parasympathetic nervous system and reduce the amount of stress we’re in. So that means that we can’t wait until we’re super stressed out to start working on it and that we have to work on it continuously. That means you have to have some sort of stress relief plan in place every single day.
Some of the things you can do to help reduce stress, meditation, journaling, going for a walk, going for a run, doing some yoga, just taking a nap. Maybe. Naps are very underrated, by the way. Getting enough sleep is super important. Getting good quality sleep, you know, we need seven, eight hours of sleep most of us as adults.
Just doing anything, playing a game, laughing, going to see a movie, doing something with friends, doing something with family, just being silly with your kids, anything like that is going to help to reduce stress, you need to figure out what works for you, everybody’s different. So figure out what works for you and what you can do every single day to make stress management a priority.
Because if you do that, I guarantee you, you’re gonna have a much easier time getting through the holidays and your body won’t be holding on to as much body weight, you won’t be holding on to as much fat you’ll be able to burn fat, we always want to be burning fat, not storing fat. So you’ll get into fat burning mode instead of fat storing mode. And you’ll get through the holidays without all that extra weight.
Okay, so that’s tip number three is to manage stress, and you have to do it every single day. You can’t wait until you’re stressed out to start working on it, you have to manage stress every single day.
And this brings me to my fourth tip, which is to exercise daily. So not only does daily exercise help with stress management, it also helps you to burn fat, you know, so obviously exercise can be helpful to fat burning, especially if you’re doing the lower intensity exercise, you know, you stay in that zone one, zone two, you know, you’re in that aerobic zone. That’s what’s considered sort of the fat burning zone, right?
So if you’re doing some sort of exercise every day, go out and run a few miles. Really easy. Go for some, you know, do a power walk, do some yoga, walk the dogs, play with the kids. It doesn’t have to be something intense but do something every day. And I promise you, you are going to not only feel better, but you’re going to help you to maintain your weight and probably help you to lose a little bit if that’s, you know, one of your goals here.
So, one of the reasons why we want to exercise every day is that when we exercise we get our dose of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. So we get that rush of feel good hormones, and neurotransmitters. And when we have these feel good chemicals kind of running through our body, it puts us in a better mood, it helps us stay in that parasympathetic nervous system state. And we feel good.
It’s not only a good way to manage stress, but it’s a way of keeping our body feeling happy, like it improves our mood as well. You know, also more burning fat, you know, like I said, but it’s just this way of continually feeling good and feeling good about ourselves and feeling good about who we are and what we’re doing. And it’s such a better way to go through the holidays feeling good, as opposed to being, you know, super stressed out and freaking out about all the junk you’re eating and all this other stuff.
So when you’re in a good mood, you tend to make better decisions, when you’re exercising every day, you tend to build some momentum and want to keep exercising, it helps you to, you know, stay on track with your food plan, when you’re exercising daily. This is one of the big reasons why we have this running through the holidays challenge going on right now is because I want to encourage you to get outside every day, and do some exercise and the outside part is important.
During the winter, we tend you know, the days get shorter, and we tend to spend a lot more time indoors, the days are shorter, it’s darker in the morning is darker in the evening, there’s not as much sunlight during the day, we need to get outside and get some sun in our eyeballs, like we need to, you know, have that sun in our face on our bodies, if we can, it’s so important for us to you know, be outside in the elements in the sun.
And it helps to put us in that, you know, good mood, it helps with our serotonin levels. You know, we build serotonin during the day. And that’s what helps to create melatonin to help us sleep better at night. It helps with our circadian rhythms and helps us to sleep, you know, improve our sleep quality during the night when we can get outside into the sun every day.
So I know a lot of days around here, you know, I’m in Cincinnati, and a lot of days around here in the wintertime, it’s just gray, and dark. And there’s no sun. But those days that there is sun, take advantage of that and get outside. We’ve had a lot of gray days here. And then this morning, I went for a run and had to bring my sunglasses with me because it was so beautiful out, very, very cold, very cold.
But the sun was shining and it felt so amazing to be outside and to see the sun and to be in the sun. So exercise daily, put together you know, make exercise daily part of your plan. You know, make it part of your plan, part of your daily plan. And you’re going to get through the holidays feeling so much better about yourself, okay.
And then my last tip is going to be this when it comes to nutrition. We’re all a little bit different. And it’s hard for me to make some recommendations as here’s what you should eat or whatever. So I’m going to give you this tip. And I think this is one of the most powerful tips around nutrition that I can give you and it’s one that is underrated and something that most people just don’t do or maybe they’re not aware of, or they think it would be too hard.
But it’s this, skip some meals, skip some meals, you don’t have to eat three meals a day, every single day all the time. You don’t have to eat three meals a day, plus three snacks a day, plus dessert every single day, you really don’t have to eat that much skip breakfast, skip breakfast and lunch one day.
Skip snacking, skip dessert, like just pick something that you think would work for you. And you don’t have to do this every single day. But just consider skipping some meals. You know, there’s a lot of benefits that you’ll gain from exercising in the fasted state, which means that, you know, if you exercise in the morning, don’t you don’t have to fuel up before you get outside and run.
Just skip it, just skip fueling, you know and try some what we call intermittent fasting. And when people hear that word fasting, they’re like, oh my gosh, that’s, you know, I’m gonna die. I can’t do that. It’s like, dude, no, listen, it’s just like, skip breakfast is our target about here. It’s not that big of a deal.
You know, we’ve been doing this as human beings for millions of years. We didn’t eat all the time. We didn’t have snacks. We didn’t eat dessert, like there were no three meals a day, kind of a deal. Like a lot of times, and a lot of cultures, they eat like once a day, maybe twice a day. And so I think we’ve, you know, in the Western world, we’re under this impression that we have to eat a lot, just all the time. And it’s just not true.
Like we just don’t need to eat that often. Okay, so, one thing I did recently is Thanksgiving Day. And so that was Thursday and then a couple days later on Saturday we did another Thanksgiving with my girlfriend and our kids, well, we all got together. And so we did like two different Thanksgivings, super fun.
But each of those days, I only ate that one meal each day. So I ate one big meal on Thanksgiving, and then one big meal on that Saturday, and I just skipped breakfast, I typically eat twice a day, you know, I’ll have a pretty good sized breakfast around noon, and then I eat dinner around 6pm, 7pm, something like that.
And, and that’s usually good for me. But some days, I just skip that first meal. And, and I feel so much better when I, you know, can skip a meal and, and then I can maybe eat a little bit more at that second meal and still be in a bit of a deficit and still not be overeating and still not be eating, you know, a ton of calories that day.
So for me, it feels really good to skip a meal every now and then. And this is one of the simplest things that you can do to help manage your weight and help you to not gain weight during the holidays. It’s just like, pick a few days a week here and there and skip some of these meals. And you might be surprised how good you feel. You might be surprised how much easier it is to exercise in that fasted state and take advantage of the adrenaline that you get from exercising in the fasted state.
So you actually, you know, people think, oh, I won’t have the energy. But now your body will produce the glucose that you need, your body will produce the adrenaline that you need to be able to actually work out a little bit harder. And then there’s another positive benefit from exercising in the fasted state, which is an increase in growth hormone.
So after exercise, your body will produce more growth hormone, which will help you to recover faster. So not only can you exercise harder in a fasted state, but you can also recover faster. So these are good benefits. And you don’t have to do this all the time. But try it every now and then and see how it goes for you.
Okay, so quick recap, you know of my five tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season. Number one, create a vision. Who do you want to be on January 1? How do you want to feel and write it down.
Okay, number two, have a plan. Write down your plan. And then write down your plan every week and consult your plan. And make sure you’re staying on track with your plan no matter what.
Number three, you have to manage stress and it has to be something you do every single day.
Number four exercise daily. Get outside if you can do whatever it takes to move your body and to release the endorphins and get the dopamine and the serotonin and all those good feeling chemicals that you get. So power walk yoga, walk the dog, play with the kids, go for a run, lift some weights, swim, bike, whatever you need to do, but do something every day. Do it outside if you can get in the sun.
And then lastly, skip some meals here and there. You don’t have to eat all the time. This is like intermittent fasting simplified, right? It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to do some sort of long three day fast or anything like that. Just like skip a meal here and there. And you might be surprised how much easier it is to get through the holidays without gaining weight.
Cool. All right, you guys, I hope you take some action on these tips here and actually do these things because I guarantee you it’s going to make a difference on how you show up for yourself on January 1. Okay, that’s all I got for you today. Love you all, keep on Running Lean and I will talk to you soon.
152. Struggling, Suffering, and Giving In
When it comes to eating healthy and losing weight, people think you have 3 choices: Struggle, suffer, or give in. You might want to stick to a healthy eating plan through the holidays but feel like …
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Podcast Transcript
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, sports nutritionist, Master life coach, and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you properly fuel your body and your mind. So you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean. Hey there, and welcome to episode 152 of Running Lean.
My name is Patrick McGilvray, the weight loss coach for runners and today I’m talking about struggling, suffering and giving in when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight. A lot of people, runners especially, think that you have basically three choices, you can either struggle, suffer, or just give him.
So you might want to stick to a healthy eating plan, you know, through the holidays. But you feel like you’re either going to have to struggle to stay on that plan, or suffer your way through it. Or just say screw it and give in to all those cravings for carbage.
But what if there was another option? What if you didn’t have to suffer or struggle? What if you never gave in to those food cravings? Today I’m talking about how we’re not really stuck with this, these three options of struggling suffering and giving in how you can make healthy eating actually enjoyable, and maybe even fun, and stick to your plan. Cool.
Instead of struggling or suffering your way through the holidays this year, why don’t you do something different with coaching you and I will create a plan just for you. One that feels good to you when you actually have some say in how we structure it and one that you feel good about. And then I hope you stick to that plan.
If you want to show up on January 1, next year actually feeling good about yourself for a change. Instead of regretting all of your decisions over the last 40 days, then you might be ready for the Running Lean coaching project.
This is my unique weight loss coaching program for runners where the project as always is you to learn more, just go to runningleancoaching.com/apply. And get started, you’ll fill out a quick application, you and I will jump on a zoom, we’ll see if this is a good fit for you. If it is then we can get you started right away. Cool. Just go to runningleancoaching.com/apply. And I’ll see you in the Running Lean coaching project.
Okay, this topic came to me recently because I’ve been hearing a lot of people struggling and a lot of people kind of suffering, a lot of people giving in to these temptations. Now we are officially into the holiday season here, especially in the US where if you’re listening to this, the day this episode comes out, it’ll be the day after Thanksgiving.
And so Thanksgiving is kind of the official or maybe unofficial kickoff of the holidays here in the US. So if you are in the US or in a part of the world that celebrates, you know, Christmas and all that stuff, then we are getting into this season where it’s challenging for a lot of people, this is a time of the year that can be very stressful for a lot of people.
There’s a lot of tempting foods out there. There’s holiday parties, there’s weird working schedules, there’s a lot of time off, and we sort of get out of our routine. And it can be very stressful and very detrimental.
If you are somebody that’s trying to lose weight or get healthy or change your exercise regimen or change your body composition, whatever it is you want for yourself. This is the time of the year where most people fall off the wagon, right.
Another thing to consider is that for most runners, this is considered the offseason because we are getting into the winter. We’ve had our fall races, we’ve had our fall marathons and half marathons. And now we sort of have a little bit of time off before marathons. Training actually begins again in January, at least here in the US.
So this is the time of the year where a lot of people just sort of go off the rails, eat a bunch of junk, gain a bunch of weight, and come January one they feel terrible about themselves. Yeah, have you ever done this before? This used to be my go to every single year, I would run a couple marathons every year, you know, run that fall marathon, and then I’d be like, heck yeah, I’m taking some time off.
So I would stop training. You run a little bit here and there, but pretty much stopped the level of intensity of training that I had been doing for most of the year. And then it basically eat whatever I wanted to. And then by January 1 I would always gain, like 10-15 pounds. Yeah, that’s a lot of weight gain, in really a short amount of time, really, we’re only talking about two months, maybe.
Okay, so, for me, this was always something where I would start the new year at a deficit, let’s start the new year like having to make up a bunch of ground, just to get back to normal just to get back to where I was, you know, before I started, you know, binging out and going crazy on all the garbage that I was eating at the time.
And this, this was problematic, because I would do this, you know, every year, and I would never really get back to where I was. So I just kept gaining weight, and every year, I would just gain a bunch of weight. And this time of the year was a time where I would gain the most amount of weight, because it was the offseason because it was the holidays, because it was stressful.
And all the reasons I can tell you all the reasons, all the stories, all the excuses for why I did what I did. But at the end of the day, it just boils down to me having some really bad habits and eating the wrong kinds of foods and, and really not understanding how all this was affecting me. So we don’t want to do this, this is not really a good way to go, right?
You want to start the new year, instead of feeling bad and coming from a deficit and having to make up this ground. You want to start the new year feeling good about yourself, not feeling bad about yourself. Because when you start the new year, and you feel bad about yourself, here’s what you’ve done over the last 40 days or so, you’ve broken down the trust in yourself.
So when I say you know, how do you build up trust in yourself? What I’m talking about is, you say you’re gonna do something and then you do it. So you say you’re gonna stick to your food plan, and you do what you say you’re gonna stick to your running schedule, and you do it. When you don’t do that, you break down that trust in yourself.
When you say you’re going to do something, and then you fail, and you give up and you don’t do that thing. You subconsciously break down your ability to trust yourself to stay on track, you lose confidence, you lose momentum, you have all this ground to make up, you’re not making progress anymore, you’re actually going backwards. And all of this feels terrible.
And yet, so many people do this anyway. And then they struggle come the New Year to just get back to their normal state. They’re like, You know what they’re used to. I don’t think this is a good idea, we do not want to take this approach over the next 40 days or so. So there’s roughly 39 or 40 days between Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day.
And I think this is a great opportunity for us to get focused on what we can do to stay consistent, and to honor the commitments we make to ourselves and to build trust in ourselves. Because the opposite is also true. When you say you’re going to do something and you do it, you build trust in yourself, you build confidence in yourself that you can actually stick to your plan. And this is where you start to make progress towards your goals, you maybe start to lose weight, maybe you start to improve your running, you get faster, maybe you’re lifting weights, and you get stronger, and then you build momentum.
And all this momentum helps you have more confidence in it. And it motivates you to keep going and then you can start the new year feeling amazing. And making all this progress and having had your own back these last 40 days. That’s what I really want for you. And for me and for all of us. Because I know that that is what you want for yourself.
I know that you want to get through the holidays and you want to feel like you’ve done a good job and you’ve honored your commitments to yourself. You’ve built momentum, you’ve built confidence, you’ve built trust in yourself and you’ve made progress. That’s where I think you want to be, right?
So why not do that? Why not make that your priority? But the problem is most people, they don’t do that. Most people just have this idea of like yeah, I’m gonna I’m going to start the new year feeling great and then they just give in, you know, they struggle they suffer they give in through the whole 40 days of the holidays.
And really what are the holidays we have? Thanksgiving Day. You can count New Year’s Eve and or I’m sorry, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. So really we’re talking five days, five days. Some of those are like half days, like New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve.
So, like four days we’re talking about here, it’s so when we talk about the holidays, it’s like four days, right? Don’t make it seem like every day is a party between now and the end of the year, because it isn’t, and it shouldn’t be. Okay. But here’s the thing.
Most people, they struggle, they suffer, or they just give in, they have all these excuses, all these stories, all these reasons. As if all this stuff is automatic, it’s set in stone, it’s absolute, it is the truth, it’s not the truth. It’s just what you’re choosing to believe. It’s what you’re choosing to believe to be true.
Think about that for a minute, the things you think are true, like, losing weight is hard, I have to suffer my way through this. It’s going to be a struggle, I always give in all those things are just things that you are choosing to believe. I want you to think about that and really let that sink in. You’re just choosing to believe those things.
So when we talk about struggling, what I hear from people, I hear them struggling, and I hear them say this is really hard. It’s hard for me to do this, I just can’t do it. I can’t seem to get motivated, I can’t stick with it. And they struggle and they struggle and they struggle and it’s in it and it creates a really negative state of being. Okay.
And then there’s people that they may not actually feel like they’re struggling, they might stick with the plan, but they suffer their way through it. All right, well, I’m going to do this thing. I’m going to stick with this plan and eat this good food, but I won’t like it. I’m not going to be happy, it’s going to suck. Is that how we want to go through life? No, no, no, no.
But they’re like, hanging on like, like white knuckling it right? They’re hating every minute of it. They’re in a crappy mood all the time, they’re resentful, they’re angry, they’re pissed off, because they can eat all this good food that everybody else is eating, they can’t do what everybody else is doing. And so they feel terrible. And they suffer and they suffer. Alright, so you can do that you can suffer, you can struggle, all you want.
But what that usually leads to is giving in and it leads to quitting. As it is too hard, I can’t do it, I’m just not going to do it anymore. I quit. I’m just going to give in. I’m having cravings for pizza. So I’m going to eat pizza. I’m having cravings for pie and cookies, and alcohol. And I’m just going to give in because it’s easier, and it feels good. And it’s not hard. And you know, I don’t have to suffer anymore.
And so a lot of people will just say screw it or, you know, why bother, you know, it’s too hard. And they just walk away from what they want for themselves, right? They walk away from the process of actually improving their life, improving their health, improving their well being and improving their fitness. Because the struggling, the suffering is just too much, it’s too hard. And so that usually leads to quitting.
So this might be your default behavior, you may have conditioned yourself over the years over the decades, to struggle to say it’s too hard to say you can’t do it to say you could never stick with it, to suffer your way through it, hate every minute of it. Be resentful, be angry all the time. And then quit. This may be what you’ve done over and over and over again. You’ve conditioned yourself to behave in certain ways, in certain situations.
But now, you want something more for yourself, you want to improve your body composition, you want to lose weight, you want to get stronger, you want to improve your running, or maybe you just want to start running, you want to be a consistent runner. So these are things that you want for yourself that you may not have right now. But in order to get there, you cannot continue struggling, you cannot continue with the suffering and obviously, quitting is not going to get you there.
So if you’ve conditioned yourself to act in certain ways, and behave in certain ways and feel certain things and think certain things, you’re gonna have to do some work here, you’re gonna have to decondition yourself, you’re gonna have to decondition yourself and change your default behavior because your default behavior kind of sucks and it’s not working for you.
Struggling, suffering, giving in. If this is your default behavior, that’s pretty sucky behavior. Sorry, but it is you who has to change that. You got to change that right now. And so you just got to change what you do. Right Easy, easy peasy. Just change your default behavior. That’s sarcasm in case you can’t tell. It’s not easy to do. It’s a simple concept. But it is not easy to do.
And it’s just because of your conditioning, it’s because you’ve been doing the same thing for a lot of time, decades, that it becomes very difficult to change that because you just think that this is who you are at your core. And there’s nothing you can do about it. That is what we call a limiting belief, because it limits you, it keeps you stuck, it keeps you small, it keeps you from making any kind of progress that keeps you from growing.
And a lot of times people choose those limiting types of behavior, life limiting types of beliefs, because it’s easier than actually doing the work of change, change is hard. Change is uncomfortable. Nobody wants to do the work to change. But I’m telling you right now, if you can decondition yourself. And if you can change that default behavior, you are going to be a total badass, you can do anything that you want for yourself.
So really, what you have to do is you have to undo your conditioning. And it really starts with your mindset. Your mindset is your foundation, it’s the foundation that everything you want for yourself is built upon. Everything good that you want for yourself that you don’t already have, is built upon a solid foundation of the right mindset. With the right mindset, you can accomplish anything that you want.
The opposite is also true with the wrong mindset, it’s going to be very difficult to make any kind of progress to stick with anything to accomplish anything at all, it’s going to be very difficult with the wrong mindset. So we have to fix the mindset, struggling, suffering, this is just your mindset, this is something you are choosing, it may not seem like it, it may feel like it’s you know, just happening to you.
It may feel automatic, but I’m telling you, this is a state of being that you’re in that you are choosing. And you might be thinking, why would I choose this? Why would I choose a crappy mindset? Why do I choose a crappy state of being? Why would we do this? It sounds kind of ridiculous, right? But I see this every single day: people choosing the struggle, people choosing to suffer. Why?
Why would you do this? It feels terrible. It creates all sorts of negativity, it creates all sorts of stress in your life, it is very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable place to be. So why would you choose this? Well, I’ll tell you why. Because there’s another type of discomfort, the type of discomfort that comes with sticking to your plan no matter what. When you feel like eating a bunch of junk food and you don’t, that is very uncomfortable.
But that’s a different kind of discomfort. It’s the kind of discomfort that you’re not used to. It’s the kind of discomfort that is unfamiliar to you. The kind of discomfort you’re familiar with is the struggling in the suffering and the giving it that’s what you’re used to. That’s familiar to you. That’s your comfort zone. That sort of discomfort is in your comfort zone.
I know it sounds kind of weird, but it’s true. You’re used to that. It’s like putting on that warm cozy sweater in the winter, like, ooh, this feels good. Even though it makes you feel terrible. You’re choosing the struggling, you’re choosing the suffering because that level of that type of discomfort is something you’re familiar with.
Okay, so the other type of discomfort is the type where you have to stick to your food plan or stick to your exercise plan or go run outside even though it’s cold out. Those things feel uncomfortable, but in a different way in a way that you’re just not used to.
So here’s something I’m going to offer you: which one of these levels of discomfort do you want to focus on because you get to choose? Choose your discomfort. Choose how you want to struggle or suffer. What if you chose the discomfort of sticking to your plan no matter what. Ooh, now we’re getting somewhere right?
What if you put aside the discomfort of struggling and put aside the discomfort of suffering and just embrace the discomfort of sticking to the plan. What if you created a plan and then stuck to the plan no matter what even though it was uncomfortable? Right. This is a totally different mindset. This is a complete mindset shift that most people are not willing to even think about.
They’re not willing to even consider it because it doesn’t feel good. Now, first thing, and the most important thing is you have to have a plan. Most people don’t have a plan, they just wing it. Right? Most people wing it all the time. Well, you know, just figure it out later, I’ll figure it out. I’ll just, what am I going to eat for Thanksgiving? What am I going to eat for Christmas? What am I going to do about running? I’ll just figure it out later.
No, you have to have a plan. Have a plan. Plan your runs, plan your workouts, plan your meals. What does your running plan look like this week? What do your meals look like this week? What are you eating for dinner tomorrow? How are you handling that holiday party that’s coming up in a couple of weeks? When are you doing your strength training this week? What is your plan, plan everything and then stick to the plan no matter what.
And by the way, that’s it, that no matter what part that’s most important. The people I work with my clients, we make a plan. Every one of my clients has a plan, we put together a plan. That’s different. It’s different for everybody. Everybody’s plan is a little bit different. But we put together a personalized plan, and then we stick to the plan. And if they don’t stick to the plan, they have to tell me why I hold them accountable. And we talk through it, we decide how maybe next time we can do things differently.
How do we handle this situation better the next time it comes around, and then the next time that type of thing happens they do they handle it better, and it gets a little bit easier. And the more they stick to their plan, the more progress they make, the more confidence they build, the more they build that trust in themselves. And the more they build good habits. And they know that they can get through just about anything.
This is a big part of why coaching works so well, is because we’re creating a personalized plan and then helping you stick to the plan no matter what. And with this approach, there’s not much struggle, there’s not much suffering, and there’s really no giving in that maybe, maybe occasionally, and especially at the beginning, there’s a little bit of a, there’s a bit of a process of like committing to the change and then getting used to the change.
And again, it’s an uncomfortable process. Nobody does this perfectly. And it does happen occasionally where there might be some giving in. But we learn from the experience and we act differently next time. And over time, all of this just gets easier and easier. And the struggling, the suffering and the giving in become a thing of the past, it just doesn’t happen anymore. This is all about building new habits.
You have to build new habits, you have to do things that feel good to you that they may feel bad at the beginning, they may feel uncomfortable at the beginning. But eventually they will feel good to you. They should start to feel easy and effortless and feel sustainable for you. And there’s probably something you’ve never really experienced before because you either struggled, suffered or just gave in so you quit before the actual magic happened. Right?
So we’re getting into this season we’re getting in this holiday season, it’s can be a very tough time of the year for a lot of people, I get that. You know people deal with family issues. Maybe they’ve lost somebody, there’s some loneliness, there’s some stress, there’s anxiety, there’s financial issues and on and on.
Don’t add to the stress of the season because it’s, it’s already kind of stressful. Don’t add to that stress by going completely off the rails from a food and exercise standpoint. Make a plan and then stick to your plan no matter what. Stop it with all the struggling, stop it with the suffering. That mindset is not going to get you anywhere. And definitely stop giving in, don’t give in. Don’t quit. We keep going. Relentless forward progress, we keep moving forward.
And listen, if you want some help with this, I am absolutely here for you just go to my website runningleancoaching.com/apply and I’ll help you start the new year feeling good about yourself feeling confident and having made a bunch of progress towards your health and fitness goals. Instead of regretting everything you’ve done for the last 40 days and having to make up a bunch of ground. We don’t want to do that. Okay, so reach out to me, I’m here for you. That’s all I got for you today. Love you all, keep on Running Lean and I will talk to you soon.
If you’re a runner and you’ve been struggling to lose weight or you keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over again. Or you’re finally ready to get to your natural weight and stay there for good this time then I have something you will love. I’ve created a powerful new training just for you called running lean for life. You’ll learn exactly how to transform yourself into a lean fat-burning running machine. So you can run without bonking, lose weight without calorie counting and develop the habits required to make it last for life. To get this free training right now go to runningleanpodcast.com/leanforlife and start your transformation today.
103. Handling the Holidays Like a Badass
The holidays can be a very difficult time of the year for a lot of people. Shopping for gifts, planning social events, spending more time with family, and the added end-of-year demands at work can …
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Podcast Transcript
My name is Patrick McGilvray, and I’m an experienced marathoner, ultra runner, Sports Nutritionist, Master Life Coach, and weight loss coach for runners. I’ve dedicated my life to helping runners just like you properly fuel your body and your mind. So you can get leaner, get stronger, run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible. This is Running Lean.
Hey there, and welcome to episode 103 of Running Lean. My name is Patrick McGilvray, the weight loss coach for runners, and today we’re talking about handling the holidays like a badass. Listen, the holidays can be a very difficult time for a lot of people.
You’re shopping for gifts, planning social events, spending more time with family, and the end of your demands at work can all lead to feeling more stressed and more overwhelmed. Not to mention the shorter days and the colder temperatures, the lack of sunlight all this can make getting outside exercise more challenging.
It can be very easy to just say “F-it” and blow off all your diet and exercise plans stay indoors watching Netflix with a big old glass of wine and hibernate until the new year. Right. But if that’s not how you want to roll into 2022, then I’ve got an alternative solution for you.
So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share a few simple tips for handling the holidays like a badass, so you can slide into the New Year feeling good about yourself. Which by the way, is not the way most people do it.
But first, if you liked this podcast, please come check out the Running Lean community on Facebook. Right now we’re in the middle of our running through the holidays challenge, we just passed the halfway mark, we’ve got another, I don’t know 17 or 18 days to go. And this is a challenge to get outside and run every day during the holidays.
It’s a fantastic way to you know keep your stress levels low. And to get some exercise every day. And we’re having a ton of fun in the group. Just search for Running Lean community on Facebook and join in on all the fun. And here’s another five-star review of the Running Lean podcast.
This is from Rake TM. And the title of this is “Life-changing and Introspective”:
“I recently discovered this podcast and the content presented. And the method shared is absolutely awesome. Patrick is really great not only at sharing, running-related performance improvements, but life-related lessons as a life coach. It’s all very inspiring, and I can’t stop binge-listening to all the episodes. Thank you, Patrick.”
Well, thank you very much for leaving a review. And if you feel the need to share your thoughts and leave a five-star review, I would love it just go to iTunes and scroll down or your apple podcast app and scroll down to where it says to leave a review, tap the stars and leave a few words, I really greatly appreciate that.
And then a couple of things I wanted to let you guys know about number one is the Running Lean coaching group is we got a big thing coming up in January. So our focus for January is going to be on weight loss, I want to help you start the new year by creating some massive momentum to develop the habits that you need to lose weight and learn how to do it for good.
And we got a big challenge coming up in January the goal for our group is going to be to lose eight pounds, you know, by the end of the month, right? So, lose eight pounds in January is sort of our goal for the month of January.
And listen, that’s only two pounds a week and this is very doable for you. You know, it’s very average, okay? And don’t worry, because I’m gonna show you exactly how to do it, you’re going to get all the support from me and everyone else in the group. We’re all going to be kind of doing this together as a group.
So I want to help you crush that goal. And listen, January is just an awesome time to get started with this kind of thing. Right? Marathon training is just getting underway. So it’s a perfect time for you to become fat-adapted so you can crush those spring racing goals.
So I’m going to show you exactly how to transform yourself into a lean fat-burning running machine so you can run without bonking, lose weight without losing your mind, and develop the habit you need to make this last.
If you’re interested just join the group you can join at any time just go to runningleanpodcast.com/join – we’d love to see you for our big lose eight pounds in January challenge cool.
And then also if you’re interested in one on one coaching, that’s what I do. It’s my jam. If you’re looking for a little help with all this stuff, you know how to make a plan how to stick to your plan, what you should be eating, what you shouldn’t be eating – I offer all expert guidance, support, encouragement, accountability, all the experience you need to make this work for you, no matter what your goals, we can, we can get you there. Okay? Just go to runningleanpodcast.com/apply and see if coaching is a good fit for you.
All right on to this topic today, which is all about handling the holidays, like a badass. This time of the year, it can be very hard for people, right, we’ve got more stress this time of the year than any other time of the year collectively, right?
The days are cold, it’s dark, work is a little busier, you got to get all this stuff done at the end of the year. You’ve got more social events, you’re spending more time with family, you got to plan more meals, you’re buying gifts, you’re wrapping gifts, you’re sending out Christmas cards, maybe you’re traveling.
And all of this stuff can really feel overwhelming and cause a lot of people to really struggle. You know, this is supposed to be a fun time of the year, right and everybody looks forward to it. But at the same time, it can be very challenging for a lot of people, okay.
So when you find yourself feeling this stress, it can be very hard to stick to your diet and exercise plans, it can be very hard to want to get up and go to the gym when it’s cold and dark outside, it can be very hard to want to stick to your food plan when everybody around you is eating a bunch of junk and cookies and candy and all this other stuff, right?
So if you just want to stay inside and hibernate, like during this time of the year, that is perfectly fine. You’re allowed to do that, right? But if that’s not how you want to spend the holidays, then you get to decide what you want for yourself, okay, if you want something different, this episode is for you. Okay?
If you want to be able to stay on track, stick to your diet, keep up with your runs, keep up in the gym, whatever it looks like for you. You are allowed to do that. By the way, you don’t have to just fall into this habit that most people fall into, which is just kind of giving up a lot of this stuff during this time of the year.
How many people do you know to say, well, you know, the diet starts on January 1. Well, why? Why would you wait? Right? Why do you want to wait until then, to start improving your life? Why do you want to wait until then until you start doing something that’s good for you? Why do you want to wait until then, to start improving your health and your fitness?
I say start today, if that’s what you want for yourself, it doesn’t matter that we’ve got the holidays coming up, it really doesn’t. There’s always something going on, right? I want you to think about how you want to show up on January 2, you know, who do you want to be when you start the New Year? How do you want to show up for yourself?
Do you want to feel shame and guilt remorse and regret? Because you’re going to be starting from like a health and fitness deficit? Like you got to make up a lot of ground because you gained some weight you got a little softer?
Or do you want to feel proud of yourself and confident and happy with your choices? Do you want to start the new year with momentum? Do you want to start the new year ahead of the curve, like feeling like you had your back during this period of time, right? It’s a choice, it is a choice, you get to decide.
So here’s what I’m going to do, I got three tips for you today. And I’m gonna break these down a little bit. But the first one is step number one. Or tip number one is that you get to decide who you want to be on January 2. And you should get very detailed with this, right?
And I tell people all the time to like do these writing exercises, like write it out. Write out who you want to be. And I know a lot of people that listen to this podcast are just like, yeah, whatever. I’m not gonna write that out.
But you know what, it makes a difference. It really does. The people that take the time to do this work and actually sit down and do the writing, when it comes to things like this, they get better results I’m just going to tell you, they do.
So if you want to get better results, I want to encourage you to do a little bit of writing around this. Who do you want to be on January 2, you know, I want you to envision this version of you and write down what it will look like and feel like to be that person on January 2, right.
Now you get to decide if you want to keep losing weight, maybe you’ve already started a weight loss regimen and you’re kind of losing and you’re like that and you want to continue to lose weight. Maybe you want to just maintain your weight through the holidays. Or maybe you’re okay if you gain a little bit of weight during the holidays.
But you’ve probably never thought about it like before, right, but really, it’s a choice, it’s a choice that you get to decide how you want to show up for yourself in January if you want to gain a little bit of weight, that’s fine.
But I just want you to make that decision now. Because this decision that you make today is going to drive your behaviors over the next few weeks. So let’s say you decide you want to gain weight, that means like, you’re probably going to eat more food, drink more alcohol, indulge in a bunch of, you know, sugar, and, you know, processed foods and go a little bit crazy. Maybe you’re gonna, like, stop running for a few weeks, or, you know, not go to the gym. That’s fine. If you want to do all this, it’s totally awesome.
Just know that you will probably gain weight in this process. And if you’re okay with that, if you’re okay, showing up in January, you know, five, eight pounds heavier, whatever, awesome, more power to you. Okay, you get to decide if that’s what you want for yourself, maybe you want to maintain.
Maybe you’re the kind of person who is like, you know, what I’m gonna stick to my healthy eating plan. For the most part, I might make some more exceptions than normal, you know, I might have a little more wine here and there, I might be drinking some more beers, I might enjoy a dessert or two, but for the most part, I’m gonna, you know, kind of stick to the plan.
And maybe you back off the running and the strength training a little bit, but not entirely. So this is a way of maybe maintaining your weight. Okay, totally fine. Again, all these options are available to you.
You’ve probably never thought about it like this before, though, right? Most people just assume that they’re gonna, like, just continue to lose weight or whatever, during the holidays, but they don’t change anything. Okay.
And then let’s say you decide you want to lose during the holidays, you want to continue to lose weight, this is going to require that you keep planning your meals and keep sticking to your plan, right, it’s just going to require that you stick with your running schedule, you keep up with some sort of resistance training. And this plan is awesome. And I’m super proud of you if you decide to do this.
But just know that it requires a commitment, it requires a little bit more discipline and a little more motivation. It doesn’t require as much motivation if you’re okay, gaining some weight over the holidays, right. So you get to decide, do you want to gain weight, maintain your weight or lose weight, make that decision.
So here’s what not to do. So most people go into the holidays, thinking that they’re going to keep losing weight or stay the same, but then they eat a ton more food. They’re eating all the sugar, they’re drinking alcohol, they’re slacking off on their exercise regimen. This is the way most people do it. They don’t have a plan, they just think they’re gonna stay on track.
And they think they’re just gonna, like maintain their weight, but they’re not. Their behaviors are not in alignment with the goal of wanting to maintain their weight. And then they show up on January 2, and they’ve gained weight, they’re like 10 pounds heavier.
And they’re like, I don’t understand what happened. It’s like you didn’t make a plan. You didn’t decide how you wanted to show up. So step one is deciding how you want to show up on January 2, who do you want to be, write it down, decide today, who you want to be, and decide if you’re one of those people that wants to gain weight, maintain or lose weight, make that decision now, and then act accordingly.
So if you’re the kind of person who wants to lose weight, you’re gonna have to stick to your plan. You’re gonna have to be diligent and not eat the cookies when everybody else is eating the cookies.
Maybe people are drinking around you and you’re not. You’ve got to make that decision. If that’s what you want for yourself. Okay? Just be honest with yourself, who is it you want to become? And then act accordingly. Okay, so that’s tip number one or step number one to this process.
Okay, step number two is to make a plan and stick to the plan. So now you have a very clear picture of how you want to show up on January 2. So now you just need to make a plan and stick to it right? It seems so simple, but most people do not do this. Most people just wing it. Right? Don’t wing it. Make a plan.
So making a plan means that you’re planning out all of the events that are coming up, you plan out your meals, you plan out your workouts, you got holiday parties, family events, weird schedules, whatever.
Your kids are gonna be out of school, maybe you work from home and your kids are gonna be home with you. You’re gonna have a house full of people. All this stuff can be an excuse for just blowing off your diet and exercise routines.
And I hear this from people all the time, oh, well, you know, the kids are out of school. So that means I have to eat a lot more cookies. No, it doesn’t, it really doesn’t mean that at all. Right, don’t use that stuff as an excuse for not sticking to your plan. This will require a little bit more, you know, work a little more thought work a little bit of more discipline on your part.
Yes, it will make a plan and stick to the plan, you get to decide what’s on your plan. Just make a plan. Decide what’s coming up, like you know what’s coming up, you know that there’s going to be this holiday event, you know, there’s going to be this work thing, you know, there’s going to be kids around, whatever you got to make cookies for this thing, cupcakes, whatever, plan for all of it.
Decide what you’re going to eat and when, decide when you’re going to get your runs in, decide when you’re going to go to the gym to get your resistance training in, and get it all planned out in advance. Right, so simple, and then just stick to that plan.
Over in the coaching group, I have an entire course called Getting It All Done, where I show you exactly how to plan everything in your life so that you can make it all work, because I get it. We’re all busy. We all have busy lives, we’ve got work, we’ve got kids, we’ve got school, we’ve got all kinds of things going on, right?
And I make these suggestions like, hey, you should probably get outside and exercise every day, you should probably be doing some resistance training. You know, you should probably do some stretching and some yoga and things.
People are just like, dude, I can’t. I don’t have time for all this stuff. And I don’t want you to use that as an excuse. I don’t want you to use the I don’t have time as an excuse, okay? Because time is just a mental construct. It doesn’t truly exist.
You make the time for whatever is important to you, you absolutely do. So make the time for what’s important to you decide what’s important to you make the time and get it done. But I have this cool course right, it breaks it all down and shows you exactly how to do all that. I
found this quote when I was preparing for this podcast, and it might be from Ben Franklin. It’s kind of you know, the internet, who knows what some of this stuff. But anyway, it’s this quote has been attributed to Ben Franklin – “If you fail to plan you’re planning to fail.”
Boom, I love this, quote, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. I want to encourage you to not skip this step. Don’t skip the planning, make a plan. Most people just don’t do it. They just wing it. And if you don’t have a plan, you’re going to inevitably fail. Okay.
And just so you know, starting in January over in the coaching group, we’re going to be focused on starting the New Year, the right way. And I’m going to show you exactly how to plan your meals, what you should be eating, what you shouldn’t be eating, and most importantly, how to stick to that plan. Right, anyone can make a plan. It’s the sticking to the plan that’s the hard part.
Here’s my best advice for achieving greatness in any area of your life. Are you ready? Here it is. Make a plan. And then stick to that plan, even when you don’t feel like it. That’s it, make a plan and then stick to the plan. Even when you don’t feel like it.
You can accomplish just about anything with that kind of attitude. If you want to lose weight, make a plan to maybe you quit eating sugar and you quit eating processed food, and then stick to that plan, even when it’s hard. stick to that plan.
Even when you’re surrounded by cookies and candy and pastries. Because you’re gonna want that stuff. It will be hard in that moment, you will not feel like sticking to your plan in that situation.
You know, maybe you’re making Christmas cookies with your kids and the whole house smells like sugar cookies, right? How do you stick to your plan, that’s going to be hard, but you can do it. I know you can.
But that’s what it means to stick to your plan even when you don’t feel like it. If you want to get stronger, make a plan to lift weights a few times each week. And then do that. Work that plan. Even when it’s cold and dark outside.
You don’t feel like getting up and going to the gym because you’d just rather sleep in, get your butt out of bed and get to the gym. Even though you don’t feel like it, do it anyway. That’s how you get stronger.
Right? So make a plan and then stick to the plan. That’s my second best advice for getting through the holidays like a badass.
And then step number three. Listen. You might fail. No big whoop. Do not beat yourself up if you fail. Do not beat yourself up if you fail. What happens if you fail? What happens if you don’t stick to the plan? What happens if you eat the sugar cookies or you just skip the gym or you skip that run because you decided to stay inside watching Netflix?
Like what happens in that situation? And by the way, here’s a little sidebar for you. Netflix, is not bad. Netflix is not the worst thing in the world. People talk about watching TV as being the worst thing you can possibly do. So much so that like, it can feel very guilty and shameful.
When you just sit down to watch a show I say enjoy your TV, but just like anything else, the dosage matters. So just do it in moderation. Right?
And by the way, I just started watching Succession on HBO – holy cow, that is an awesome, awesome show. So enjoy your Netflix, enjoy your streaming TV, whatever, enjoy your movies. It’s a great way to spend some time and you know, snuggled up on the couch with a loved one or something like that. End of rant.
Okay, that was a little sidebar. So what happens if you, if you fail, you eat the cookies, you just don’t get to the gym, whatever. What happens if you don’t stick to your plan 100%? Do not beat yourself up. Just get back on track as soon as you can.
If you screw up one meal, it’s not going to ruin everything for you just get back on track at your next meal. If you miss a workout, don’t freak out about it, you’re not going to lose all your fitness. Just make a point to get back on track at your next workout.
A good rule of thumb is to not have two bad meals in a row and never skip two workouts in a row. What we’re after is consistency, not perfection. It’s more important that you put weeks and months together of consistency. Rather than sticking to some plan perfectly every single day. It’s just not practical to think that way. Right?
The same thing goes for our running through the holidays challenge. If you miss a day, it’s no big deal. Just pick it back up again the next day. It’s not about doing it perfectly. It’s about doing it consistently.
And this all might make common sense. And, you know, it can be very easy to slip into the habit of beating yourself up over this stuff though. It can be really easy to just feel guilty or shameful or talk smack about yourself. Right? These things do not do you any good whatsoever. Right?
What happens is, a lot of times people will have a cheat meal, or they’ll miss a workout. They feel terrible, ashamed, and guilty. And this can very easily spiral you down into an attitude of like, just screw it all. Why should I even bother with any of this, I always mess up. Don’t do that.
Right, indulging in these negative thoughts and negative feelings. And we call these indulgent emotions. When we do this, we indulge in this negativity and worthlessness and shame and guilt – don’t do that. It’s very detrimental to your success. Okay?
Because what happens when you feel bad? What happens when you beat yourself up like this? Typically, you just want to feel better. Typically, you just run to find something to make yourself feel good again. And a lot of times that means using food or alcohol.
So it just makes the situation worse. It completely compounds feeling bad, right? So I plan on failing, it’s part of the process, not a big deal. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Okay. Strive for consistency, rather than perfection and get back on track at the very next opportunity.
Okay, so quick recap. My three tips for handling the holidays like a badass, first of all, decide who you want to be on January 2. Do you want to gain weight, maintain your weight or lose weight and then act accordingly? Who do you want to be on January 2?
Who is that badass version of yourself? What does he or she look like and write about it? Write what it would feel like to stay consistent through the holidays right about what it would feel like to show up on January 2. Feeling good about yourself feeling confident, feeling like you had your back this whole time and decide who you want to be.
Step number two. Make a plan stick to the plan even when you don’t feel like it. Remember, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail.
And then step number three is don’t beat yourself up. If you do fail, no big whoop. Get back on track at your next meal or your next workout. Don’t ever skip two workouts in a row. Don’t ever eat two bad meals in a row. Okay, we’re striving for consistency, not perfection.
And I know you got this. I know you guys have absolutely got this. And listen if you’re ready to make some big changes in 2022 Just join the Running Lean coaching group starting in January we’re going to be focused on weight loss eight pounds down challenge and becoming a fat-adapted runner so you can crush those spring racing goals.
Join us over in the coaching group, just go to runningleanpodcast.com/join, and we’ll see you in January. Love you all keep on Running Lean. I’ll talk to you soon.
If you’re a runner and you’ve been struggling to lose weight or you keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over again. Or you’re finally ready to get to your natural weight and stay there for good this time then I have something you will love. I’ve created a powerful new training just for you called running lean for life. You’ll learn exactly how to transform yourself into a lean fat-burning running machine. So you can run without bonking, lose weight without calorie counting and develop the habits required to make it last for life. To get this free training right now go to runningleanpodcast.com/leanforlife and start your transformation today.