144. Handling Stress Like a Badass
One of the most prevalent health issues facing us today is stress. The good news is that stress can be managed quite well. The bad news is that most people do a pretty terrible job of managing stress! In this episode, I’ll explain what stress actually is, how it might be affecting you positively or negatively, and what you can do to start handling stress like a badass.
143. Upgrading Your Model Of the World
One nice thing about human beings is that no two of us are alike. We each have our own unique Model Of the World (MOW) based on our past experiences, belief systems, and upbringings. In this episode, I’m taking a look at how your unique Model Of the World can be harmful or helpful and why you might want to consider upgrading your Model Of the World.
142. Overcoming Emotional Eating
If you’re like most people and you hear the words, “emotional eating” you probably picture a woman crying in bed eating a half-gallon of ice cream right out of the container. I know that’s what’s depicted in rom-com movies and on TV, but that image is just plain wrong. In this episode, I explain what emotional eating is, what it isn’t, and share what you can do to begin the process of overcoming emotional eating for good.
140. You Have to Do More to Become More
I know you’ve heard the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. Today, I get into what it looks like to stop doing the same things over and over again and start doing things differently because you have to do more to become more.
139. Eating Healthy Is So Boring!
I’ll bet you’ve thought about eating healthy at one point or another in your life and then thought, nah…that’s going to be way too boring. Today on the podcast, I talk about the big lie – that eating healthy is so boring – and how you might be able to radically improve your health by rethinking how exciting your meals really need to be.
138. Is Alcohol Really Working for You?
Have you ever considered how alcohol might be negatively affecting you? Today I want to pose this question: “Is alcohol really working for you, or do you just act like it is?” In this episode, I tackle the big question of whether alcohol is actually working for you or against you.
137. The Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes Runners Make
Most runners who set out to lose weight will probably make some mistakes along the way. So a big part of what I do now is to help runners NOT make those mistakes! Today on the podcast I’ll talk about the most common weight loss mistakes runners make, and what you can do to avoid making them.
136. How to Avoid Weight Loss Discomfort
Lots of runners come to me for help losing weight, getting stronger, and running faster. One common question that keeps coming up is, “How do I lose weight without all the discomfort?” So in this episode, I take a look at what it actually takes to reach a weight loss goal and the secret of how to avoid weight loss discomfort.