114. Winning The Inner Game
When it comes to making lasting habit change, there are two main areas of “work” that you have to address. There’s the outer work, which is what to do and how to do it, and then there’s the inner work, which is all about making profound shifts in your mindset. In this episode, I’m taking a deep dive into what it means to be winning the inner game and why it’s a critical component of becoming a leaner, stronger runner.
113. Getting Out of the Gap and Into the Gain
Have you ever found yourself wishing your life was somehow “better”, that there was some future version of yourself that was leaner, stronger, and healthier? When you are obsessed about where you’re NOT, that’s when things begin to break down for you. Today, I’m talking about the difference between being in the gap and being in the gain. I break down why getting out of the gap and into the gain is so important for your long-term health and fitness goals.
112. Taking Back Control of Your Life with Melanie Millaway
I recently sat down with Melanie Millaway and we had a candid conversation about her experience of changing her diet and getting fat-adapted. But the real change didn’t happen on the outside. If you’re unhappy with the way you look and feel and you want more for yourself, then you have to do the inner work. This is the work that Melanie did and in this episode of the podcast, she shares how she’s absolutely transformed her life from the inside out.
111. Thinking Beyond Your Current Self
If you’re like most people (me included), your beliefs about what you can or can’t accomplish are based on whatever you’ve been able to do up to this point in your life. This is an incredibly limiting mindset and it’s keeping you stuck where you are. Today on the podcast, I’ll show you how powerful it is to start thinking beyond your current self so you can break out of the cycle of your past and become that badass future self.
110. Battling The Resistance
Oftentimes, when you set out to improve your health and fitness, you find yourself feeling all of this negative stuff. This is called the resistance and it can absolutely stop you from ever achieving your goals. So today on the podcast, I’m going to show you how to recognize when the resistance starts to show up for you and what to do about it, because it’s all about battling the resistance not giving in to it.
109. Who Are You Becoming?
Who are you becoming? It’s a good question, right? Most people don’t ever ask themselves this. So in this episode, I talk about the importance of contemplating this powerful question, “Who are you becoming?”, and then how to start working toward becoming that exact version of yourself.
108. Being an Example of What’s Possible with Eva Bailey
I recently sat down with one of my clients, Eva Bailey, and we had a fun conversation all about her experience getting fat-adapted and training for her first ultramarathon. I’m super excited about bringing this conversation to you today, I know you’re going to get a lot out of it, and my hope is that you also get inspired to also start being an example of what’s possible.
107. Prioritizing Rest & Recovery
If you’re anything like most runners, you have a very hard time taking time off. In this episode of the podcast, I share the importance of prioritizing rest and recovery for runners so that you can show up at the start of your A race in peak fitness.
106. A Powerful Way to Start Your Day
It’s a new year and there’s all this talk of goals and dreams and what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share a very simple mindset exercise that, when done consistently, can be an incredibly powerful way to start your day, and help you achieve all of your goals.
Bonus Episode: January 8 Pounds Down Challenge
I’ve received a lot of questions about the Running Lean Coaching Group’s January 8 Pounds Down Challenge so I decided to address all of your questions in this bonus podcast episode! Starting on Tuesday, January 4th, we’ll be focusing on getting fat-adapted and dropping some weight! The goal is to lose 8 pounds by January […]