95. Getting Your Family’s Support with Your Weight Loss Plan
One of the hardest things about losing weight is feeling like no one is supporting you in your weight loss journey. Why is this? How can we get the support that we need to be successful with being healthy, and with this new way of life? In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got some helpful tips for getting your family’s support with your weight loss plan.
94. Which Diet Is Best?
There’s a lot of chatter out there in the world about which diet is best. So in this episode of the podcast, I’ve decided to make things a little bit easier for you. I’m going to explain why there’s so much conflict around which diet is best and offer up some actionable tips on how to make the right choices to help you reach your health and fitness goals.
93. How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight
I talk a lot about losing weight and eventually getting to your “natural weight” but I’ve never really taken the time to explain what your “natural weight” is. So in this episode, I’m going to talk about some of the standards we use to determine ideal weight, and why they don’t work for everyone, what “natural weight” means, and how to tell when you’re at your natural weight.
92. Preventing and Treating Running Injuries with Brodie Sharpe
Runners seem to get injured pretty often. Why is this? Why do runners get injured so often? What are the most common injuries that runners experience? How do we treat these injuries, and how can we prevent getting injured in the first place? In this episode of the podcast, I brought in a very special guest to help answer these questions. Brodie Sharpe is an experienced physiotherapist and host of the popular The Run Smarter Podcast and today, he’s talking all about preventing and treating running injuries.
91. Breaking the Habit of Being You
One of the most important principles that I teach here on the podcast, and work on with my clients is the principle of becoming the best, healthiest, most badass version of yourself. In this episode, I’m going to show you how, more than anything else, your habits are responsible for who you have become up to this point in your life. And if you to change who you become in the future, it requires breaking the habit of being you.
90. Hacking Your Environment to Create Better Results
One of the biggest factors affecting your ability to achieve your goals is your environment. And your environment is more than just the physical space around you at this moment, it’s all the information that’s constantly streaming into your brain. In this episode of the podcast, I have a bunch of practical tips for hacking your environment to create better results toward all of your goals.
89. Fat-Adapted Ultrarunning Success with Kelly French
Kelly is an ultrarunner who came to me for help transitioning to the low-carb way of life. She made it through the tough transition period and went from being primarily a sugar burner to becoming a super-efficient fat-burning machine. Since adopting this approach, she’s run two ultramarathons with great success! She’s also become quite a bit leaner in the process and says she feels the best she’s felt in years.
88. Embracing the Growth Mindset
Whatever it is you want for yourself – to lose weight or run an ultramarathon – the right mindset will get you there. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about two very distinct mindsets – the fixed mindset and the growth mindset – and why embracing the growth mindset is the key to accomplishing everything you want in your life.
87. Weight Loss Is Not the Goal
As a weight loss coach for runners, I work with a lot of people whose main goal is to lose weight. There’s something much bigger at play here, and a more important goal that you should be focused on. In this episode of the podcast, I explain why weight loss is not the goal and the one thing that you should be focused on instead.