85. Understanding How Habits Really Work
If you really want to create change in your life, you have to focus on changing your habits, right? But most people just focus on trying to change the behavior and don’t focus on the things that are actually driving the behavior in the first place. So today on the podcast, I take you on a deep dive into understanding how habits really work so you can create the change you want in your life and make those changes last.
84. Fueling Strategies for Low-Carb Running
Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to fuel your runs as a low-carb runner. I’m here today to share my thoughts and my experience on this topic and offer up several different fueling strategies for low-carb running. I’m hoping by the end of this episode, you feel less fearful and more confident about your low-carb approach to running.
83. The All-or-Nothing Mentality
I think a lot of people get stuck on this idea of you can either drink or not drink and there’s no middle ground. This is the all-or-nothing mentality and it can make changing a habit feel extremely daunting. So in this episode, I’m taking a deep dive into the all-or-nothing mentality and proposing what might be a more effective way to change a habit.
82. Practicing the Art of Discipline
If there’s something big that you want for yourself, I’m telling you, there’s no magic formula, it just takes practicing the art of discipline to get it. So in this episode of the podcast, I’ll be exploring what it means to practice the art of discipline so that you can achieve everything you want in your life.
81. Good Stress, Bad Stress
We often think of stress as being something annoying, a mental or emotional issue, but stress can also have serious implications on our physical health as well. There’s another side of stress that’s considered not only good for us but actually required in order for us to grow and thrive as humans. So today on the podcast, I’m going to talk about good stress and bad stress – which types are detrimental, and which are considered beneficial for our health and wellbeing.
80. Understanding and Eliminating Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage is one of those terms that you hear and you think you have a pretty good handle on what it means. But do you really? In this episode, I’m going to help you understand what self-sabotage is, how it prevents you from achieving your goals, and how you can eliminate it from your life.
79. Demystifying Desire
Desire can feel very strong and very powerful, and it can lead you to do things that are not in alignment with your goals – like eating or drinking. But desire doesn’t have to be so ominous and mysterious. In this episode, I’m going to go over what desire really is, why it’s such a powerful force in your life, and what you can do to change it.
78. The Problem with Streaks
When it comes to habit change, there’s this idea that if you do something every day for a period of time – 30-60-90 days – then you will automatically develop a new habit. I cannot tell you how wrong this idea is. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about the problem with streaks and what you need to focus on instead if you want to make lasting, meaningful changes in your habits.
77. Happiness is Overrated
There’s a lot of talk out there in the personal development world about happiness. My take on happiness is a little different – I believe happiness is overrated. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll explain exactly what I mean when I say happiness is overrated, and offer my take on what your life’s purpose really is.
76. Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation
If you’re thinking there’s no way you’ll be able to get through your vacation without gaining 5 or 10 lbs and coming home feeling like crap, then I’ve got some good news for you, because it doesn’t have to be like that. In this episode of the podcast, I offer up some practical tips for sticking to your food or exercise plan – even when you’re on vacation.