65. The Three Requirements for Making Lasting Change
Making lasting changes like permanently losing weight is not an easy thing to do. It requires you to do more than just change a behavior. Any kind of meaningful, lasting change requires three key things, and you have to have all three or it just won’t work. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share the three requirements for making lasting change and show you where you can find all three in one place.
64. Warning Signs and Dangers of Overtraining
Overtraining is something that a lot of runners experience but very few actually know that it’s happening. The problem is that if you keep it up it can result in overtraining, which leads to all sorts of health issues like poor performance, burnout, even injury. Today on the podcast, I’ll go over the warning signs and dangers of overtraining and offer some solid strategies for what you can do to avoid it.
63. Lessons Learned Running 48 Miles in 48 Hours
Today on the podcast, I’m going to break down my experience running the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge. I’ll share some things I did right, some things I could have done better, and how this whole challenge has changed me. Whether or not you would ever consider doing an event like this, I think you’ll get something out of this episode.
62. The Secret Sauce of Self-Motivation
Whether you want to run faster or farther, dial in your nutrition, or lose those winter lbs – you need motivation to make it happen! But most people severely lack motivation! They are motivation-deficient. And this lack of motivation keeps them stuck where they are, never making any progress toward their goals. In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing my “secret sauce” of self-motivation.
61. Making Healthy Habits Stick
In order to become a healthy human, you need to change your habits. The problem isn’t knowing which habits are bad or good, it’s knowing how to make those good habits stick. In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got five very simple and very practical steps to making healthy habits stick.
59. Myths and Misconceptions of Low-Carb Running
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around out there around the topic of carbohydrates and running performance. Today on the podcast, I hope to clear up some of the biggest misunderstandings, myths, and misconceptions of low-carb running. By the end of this episode, I want you to be able to make an informed decision about which approach is best for you and your personal health and fitness goals.
58. How Stress Is Making Us Fat
Stress is not something that can be avoided, it’s just a fact of modern life. Stress can make us sick, stress can lead to a host of chronic diseases, and stress can make us fat. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll be taking a look at stress from several different angles, I’ll explain how stress is making us fat, and I’ll provide some options for how you can reduce stress in your life.
57. How to Make Healthy Eating a Way of Life
In this episode, I share my thoughts on what’s going on, why some people can easily make healthy eating a way of life, and why others can’t. I’ll also offer some practical tips to help you start to make the shift from the temporary “diet” mentality to the permanent “way of life” mentality.
56. Good Carbs, Bad Carbs
In this episode of the podcast, I answer some of the biggest questions runners ask about carbs, like what are good carbs and bad carbs? I’ll be covering the quality of carbs, the number of carbs, and the timing of your carbs, all of which play important roles in long-distance running and weight loss goals.