41. Live Vibrantly
Do you really want to settle for a life that can only be described as dull, ordinary, or dreary? You can choose to live a dull and dreary life, or you can choose to live a big, bold, beautiful VIBRANT life. In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about choosing to live vibrantly and why it’s such a powerful principle to live by.

40. Eat Real Food
In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about one of the most important principles you should adopt if you want to stop struggling with your weight and start living a healthier, happier life: Eat Real Food. I’ll explain exactly what I mean when I say “Eat Real Food” and why this is such a crucial principle for you to incorporate into your daily life, starting right now, especially if you are a runner.

39. Learning to Love the Process
When you’re focused solely on the end result, and you’re not there yet, you can begin to hate the process it takes to get you there. Today, I’m talking about learning to love the process and how this simple mindset shift will absolutely change how you approach everything that you do.

38. Stop Arguing for Your Limitations
There are basically two ways to approach any challenge – focus on all the reasons why you can’t do it or focus on all the reasons why you can. Today I want to talk about why we argue for our limitations, how this kind of thinking is keeping you stuck, and I offer some suggestions for what to do instead.

37. How to Solve the Hunger Problem
Today, I’m talking about the problem of hunger and how to solve it. I’ll explain the different types of hunger, how to tell if you are actually hungry, which foods increase your hunger and which reduce it, and how all of this relates to your running.

36. The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
There seems to be a lot of misleading information out there about intermittent fasting. Today, I’m going to separate fact from fiction and share all of the incredible positive health benefits of intermittent fasting.

35. Embracing The Suck
Today on the podcast, I’m talking about embracing the suck. Most people want to do the opposite, they want to avoid the suck. But here’s the thing, the suck is going to happen whether you like it or not, so it’s better that you learn how to embrace it, rather than resist it.

34. The Ultimate Guide to Oil
Ever since we’ve increased our consumption of vegetable oils we’ve just gotten fatter and sicker. What the heck is going on? In this episode, I get to the bottom of this issue and explain why vegetable oils are actually very bad for our health as humans, and what oils you should use instead.