13. What Are You Choosing to Believe About Yourself?
You may not be aware of it, but your beliefs drive everything that you do. Your beliefs determine every result that you get in your life. And ultimately your beliefs about yourself, more than anything else, determine who you become. Here’s the good news: You get to choose what you want to believe about yourself! In this episode, I’ll show you how to change your negative beliefs so you can finally get what you want in your life and be who you want to be.

12. Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss
Being overweight is not something that’s not talked about very much (or at all) in the running community. There seems to be some stigma around being a runner and being overweight. In this episode, I’ll share why running is not a very effective tool for weight loss, and why you need to treat the underlying physical, mental, and emotional aspects of overeating if you really want to lose weight for good.

11. How to Manage Your Mind During Uncertain Times
These are some very uncertain times we are living in right now. Races are canceled, schools are closed, restaurants and bars are closed, most people are working from home, and what’s next? How bad will it get? What can we do about it? The truth is, there’s not a lot we can do about the situation “out there”. What we absolutely CAN do is take control of our THOUGHTS about the situation.

10. The Incredible Power of Your Mind
The most powerful thing in the entire known universe is the human mind. So how do we use it? Most people use their minds to create stress, anxiety, and depression for themselves. They don’t use their minds to create positive thoughts and positive emotions, they constantly worry that things aren’t as they should be. If only they were thinner, or their husbands treated them better, or they made more money, then they would be happy.

9. What Happens When You Take Radical Responsibility
Are you blaming someone or something else for the way you think, feel, or act? Or are you taking responsibility for all of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions? Today on the podcast, I break it all down and show you the major differences between blaming others and taking radical responsibility for all of your results in running and in life.

8. How to Change Your Past
Most of our problems are created because we’re trying to change something about our past. We cause ourselves so much unnecessary stress and anxiety because we are constantly ruminating about past events and wishing they were different! This is crazy! Today on the podcast, I’m going to explain what’s really going on here and show you exactly what to do to effectively change your past.

6. How Your Thinking (More Than Anything Else) Determines Your Results
Last week I talked about how all of your problems are actually created in your head – by your thoughts. Today on the podcast, I explain how your feelings drive all of your actions and those actions determine your results – good and bad!

5. Your Problems Are All in Your Head
Today on the podcast, I talk about how ALL of your problems are actually created by your thoughts. You can’t have a problem unless there’s a thought and an unwanted feeling about something. This is some mind-blowing stuff that I hope you can wrap your head around because it WILL change your life!

4. Chris Wissman on Functional Fitness, Proper Running Form, and The Myth of the Perfect Diet
Chris Wissman is a personal trainer, a movement and lifestyle coach, and an all-around badass when it comes to functional fitness. He’s co-owner of Real Human Performance in Madisonville. Today we talk about mindset, physiology, good running form, and what happens to your body when you don’t have good running form. Chris also talks about what happens to your body when you sit at a desk all day. (spoiler alert…it’s not good!)