194. VO2 Max, Lactate Threshold, and Running Economy
There are a lot of metrics available to runners these days – pace, distance, time, V02 max, recovery advisor, performance condition, and on and on… The 3 key metrics you want to pay attention to as a runner are: VO2 max, lactate threshold, and running economy. I’ll explain what each of these is, how they affect you as an endurance athlete, and what you can do to improve them.
192. How Do I Break My Addiction to Sugar?
A LOT of people are addicted to, or have a troublesome relationship with, sugar. The problem is that most people don’t know how to break their sugar addiction and never get to a place where they can enjoy sugar in moderation. In this episode, I explain why sugar has such a powerful grip on us as humans and how you can take back control and break your addiction to sugar once and for all.
189. Shifting Your Locus of Control
If you are having a hard time sticking with a health and fitness routine, then you might want to have a look at your locus of control. Locus of control refers to where you believe your control lies – either outside of you or within you. Today I’ll explain what locus of control is and how you can begin shifting your locus of control so you can get better results and live a healthier life.
188. The Cycle of Unstoppable Motivation
Most people tend to be pretty motivated when they start something. But then, over time, that motivation begins to fade. This is the reason why gyms are full in January and empty again in March. So today, I’m taking a look at why that motivation fades and what you can do to keep it going so you CAN actually crush your health and fitness goals.
187. Why Moderating Sugar is so Difficult
I think we all know that eating too much sugar is not good for you. Excess sugar consumption has been linked to all sorts of metabolic dysfunction like high blood pressure, excess weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes just to name a few. So the solution is pretty simple – just moderate your sugar intake. But why is this so much easier in theory than in practice? Why is moderating sugar so difficult? Today I take a deep dive into why moderating sugar is so difficult and offer some practical tips to help you take control of your sugar cravings.
185. Why It’s So Hard to Stick to Your Food Plan
I work with a lot of runners who are awesome at sticking with their running plans. But when it comes to sticking to their diet so they can lose weight…it all seems to fall apart. Why is this? Why is it so easy for runners to stick to a difficult marathon training plan and so had to stick to a healthy eating plan? In this episode, I will explain why it’s so hard to stick to your food plan and offer up some sound advice for changing this.