184. The Incredible Power of Focus
A lot of people set out to lose weight and then quit. While there are a lot of reasons why someone might give up on themselves, one of the most likely reasons is a serious lack of focus. In this episode, I uncover the incredible power of focus, and how it can help you become the leaner, stronger, more badass runner you’ve always wanted to be.
183. Are You Addicted to Dopamine?
Over the last 100 years or so, we have become a society of pleasure-seekers and pain-avoiders. In this episode, I’m going to help you decide if you might be addicted to dopamine, and offer up some tips to avoid getting sucked down the dopamine whirlpool.
182. A Better Approach to the Off-Season
If you’re anything like most runners, especially if you live in the US, this is most likely the off-season for you. Most runners approach this off-season as a time to live it up, eat and drink whatever, slack off on training, and “just have fun.” So in this episode, I offer a better approach to the off-season, one that will have you feeling your best when you start training for that next big race.
181. Ultramarathon Redemption with Pete Caigan
Today I have a special treat for you, I’m sharing a candid conversation I recently had with Pete Caigan. Pete is one of my clients who has had a pretty remarkable transformation over the last 6 months or so. He shares his story of changing his diet, getting fat-adapted, losing weight, and attempting that same 50k again. I hope you enjoy this episode of ultramarathon redemption with Pete Caigan, his story is truly inspiring!
180. What I Learned Running Solo for 12 Hours
Recently, I completed a self-supported, solo 12-hour run. I’ve always wanted to do a 12-hour event, but I could never really find a race that spoke to me. So, I decided to take things into my own hands and do it myself! In this episode of the podcast, I share what I learned running solo for 12 hours – what prompted me to want to run alone for so long, how I approached training, how I fueled during the event, and some interesting lessons I learned along the way.
179. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 3: Mindset
Your mindset is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. But most people do not spend any time at all working on improving their mindset. This is crazy to me because without the right mindset, losing weight and keeping it off becomes nearly impossible. So today, I’m going to lay out a whole bunch of mindset principles you absolutely need to know if you want to lose weight and keep it off.
178. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 2: Exercise
Most people will agree that exercise should be included in any weight loss plan. Unfortunately, most people think that exercise should be the ONLY component of their weight loss plan. I know that if you’re listening to this podcast you’re probably a runner and you think you’ve got the exercise thing down pat. But running alone (or just running more) isn’t the answer when it comes to getting lean and strong and keeping the weight off for good. So today, I’m going to lay out several exercise principles that every runner needs to know, especially if you want to lose weight and keep it off.
177. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 1: Nutrition
If you’re a runner and you want to lose weight, you have to get your nutrition game on point. The thinking that just running more is going to solve the weight problem for you is outdated and just doesn’t work. My hope is that by the end of this episode, you’ll have a much clearer understanding of just how important nutrition is for weight loss, even if you’re a runner…especially if you’re a runner.
176. Handling Setbacks Like a Badass
At some point in your weight loss journey, you will experience a setback. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. But most people just do not handle setbacks very well. They get down on themselves, they feel gross feelings like guilt and shame, and most of the time they just give up. Do not do this! Instead, you have to learn how to handle setbacks properly. So in this episode of the podcast, I break it all down for you and explain what to do instead so you’ll be handling setbacks like a badass every time they happen.
175. The Comfort Crisis
There’s a real crisis happening in our world today, one that’s been decades in the making. And I find it somewhat disturbing that no one is really talking about it. But if left unchecked, if we allow this crisis to continue as-is, it could lead to the end of human life – at least as we know it today. In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about the comfort crisis and how our insatiable quest for comfort might just lead to our downfall.